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My friend just pointed something out to me about my stats...

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  • My friend just pointed something out to me about my stats...

    He noted that I have almost as many deaths as BushViper (EA Score: #9), but the difference is his KDR is nearly 5, and mine is just over 1.

    I feel like a sh1tty player now , but then again... his KDR in a plane is 25.. . I suppose he's a good pilot. I'm glad that I was the reason for one of his deaths. =]

    My stats:
    His stats:

  • #2
    Re: My friend just pointed something out to me about my stats...

    Bah, whatever.

    Stats don't mean a pee at a beer swilling contest. You could whore command exclusivly and end up with a monster KDR that's totally meaningless. Conversly, you could be a fantastic teamplayer who's always ready/willing to take one for the team and end up with a rotten KDR.

    The best gauge for how good you are as a player is the reactions you get from people you play with regularly.


    • #3
      Re: My friend just pointed something out to me about my stats...

      I've played with BushViper many times and he's an outstanding pilot and probably has 35%-40% of his kills in a jet, but he's also an awesome groundpounder.

      I've played alot with Firestorm, #1 on the rankings, and only once have I seen him not play commander. Commander artillery kills = great K/D ratio.


      • #4
        Re: My friend just pointed something out to me about my stats...

        Yeah, I've only ever seen Firestorm as a commander, too. I've only ever played with BV once, but he came in a 32 player server 1/2 way through and almost made it to the top 5 on his team in scores when the round was over.

        He had 50 pts and 1 death... I tow'd the **** outta that APC whore!


        • #5
          Re: My friend just pointed something out to me about my stats...

          Originally posted by Wargimp
          Bah, whatever.
          you could be a fantastic teamplayer who's always ready/willing to take one for the team and end up with a rotten KDR.
          Rofl. Sounds kinda like me.:laugh:

          Originally posted by Boots
          Yeah, I've only ever seen Firestorm as a commander, too.
          I've seen him ground pound. He can't shoot his way out of a wet paper bag.
          I think that round he only got less than 30 points. Just kinda makes me rofl.


          • #6
            Re: My friend just pointed something out to me about my stats...

            Originally posted by Maestro Satanus
            Rofl. Sounds kinda like me.:laugh:
            I was talkin 'bout meself there.
            I still have a sub 1 KDR, but the folks I play with consiter me to be a perty solid player. Last time I made it to a scrim, they thrust me into an SL role... and my squad OWNED.


            • #7
              Re: My friend just pointed something out to me about my stats...

              It's also funny that wargimp mentioned beer swilling, because I have 28 beers sitting in a mini-fridge locatd 1.5 feet from my mouse hand.

