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More Stat Padding

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  • More Stat Padding

    Well I know there is nothing anyone can do about this but I just want to make the community aware. This form a stat padding is hard to catch as it is very difficult to get a screen shot of them doing it.

    These guys were called Profit Arobicfish and Profit (cant remember) but just remember that the prefix was Profit so if you see these guys go to another server or get an admin. I went to a different server as there was no admin on.

    Here is what the 2 idiots were doing. They were on opposite teams. One was a medic and then proceded to do the kill, revive, kill, revive, kill, revive. Several people complained and they said since they were on opposite teams they were not stat padding. Again I know posting on here does nothing but just wanted to make the community aware of these 2 bungholes. Hopefully by keeping an eye out for them they will get caught and have their stats wiped.

    Wish I could have gotten a screen shot of what they were doing...even so all the screen shot would show was being killed by an enemy and then being revived....very hard to proove in a screen shot in my opinion.

  • #2
    Re: More Stat Padding

    Fraps maybe?


    • #3
      Re: More Stat Padding

      Read this thread:

      and report them to

      Posting their names here won't get you anywhere.

