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BROE why don't you use this list.

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  • BROE why don't you use this list. :laugh:
    much easier

  • #2
    Re: BROE why don't you use this list.

    Originally posted by Krysiss
    As with alot of people/organizations, common sense escapes them.


    • #3
      Re: BROE why don't you use this list.

      I have posted this link to IndianScout a couple of days ago, and nothing happend since... he sent to EA, but they dont care...


      • #4
        Re: BROE why don't you use this list.

        User: redsuperzero - Knife KDR / 635.0000 :thatsbad:


        • #5
          Re: BROE why don't you use this list.

          Victim: AED_008 (255)

          Good god in heaven, this guy sure likes his stealth tactics

          oh wait


          • #6
            Re: BROE why don't you use this list.

            I always use those lists, but it's not up to me to reset anyone, we only make recommendations and provide the info they want..


            • #7
              Re: BROE why don't you use this list.

              definitely a padder. if u look at his score, 6073, kd of 0.7842, wlr 0.75, br in sharqi is 522! only have some basic badges, but has expert knife! n on the same day as his vet n 2 days after basic. highly suspicious. he shld be reset.
              that sand warrior is also so suspicious.


              • #8
                Re: BROE why don't you use this list.

                Originally posted by venny
                definitely a padder. if u look at his score, 6073, kd of 0.7842, wlr 0.75, br in sharqi is 522! only have some basic badges, but has expert knife! n on the same day as his vet n 2 days after basic. highly suspicious. he shld be reset.
                that sand warrior is also so suspicious.
                the whole top 500 is suspicious :laugh:


                • #9
                  Re: BROE why don't you use this list.

                  There are probably so many stat padders, they dont wanna tick everyone and their mother off.


                  • #10
                    Re: BROE why don't you use this list.

                    EA doesn't care, there are too many of them to remove anyway.


                    • #11
                      Re: BROE why don't you use this list.

                      Elite I am 18th on KDR

                      18 |cypheShogun 6.8810 209:21:07 3.11 1.99 6.89 19.81%


                      • #12
                        Re: BROE why don't you use this list.

                        Time:00:15:47 K: 55 D:16 Ratio: 3.437519.37%I never play K:P


                        • #13
                          Re: BROE why don't you use this list.

                          My guess is when BF2142 comes out the stat padders and cheaters will be outright banned, thus leaving them with the option of purchasing another cdkey for BF2 ..or buying EAs newest title. Since all EA/DICE cares about is how much money you spend on their product thoery isnt too far fetched. For now ..why in the balls would they care to do anything, somebody who is into the game on the level to cheat or stat pad is most likly going to be involved in a forum community which will keep their interest in the game and new titles etc.. theres my 2 cents

                          Long run ..whos getting hurt by some nerd stat padding, not me, not you ..its just sad that our generation had the mindset that they dont feel the need to have the balls to play vs others on a fair level and then be judged based upon their performance. Good thing is tho this personality trait carries on into the real world, so most of these kids will be loser blue collar labor or service industry for life <3

                          SO BE KIND TO A STAT PADDER ..they might spit in your hamburger :O

