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    It seems people rather than read and discuss simply jump to the point that im targeting every single person of German nationality. So ill clear that up by saying obviously im speaking about the ones ive encountered while playing BF2. Its sad i even have to say this but check the posts below and you will understand.


    Man oh man, germans must only go to school till age 10 because i dont see any other way they could be so stupid.

    Im playing in // =EFA= (ip: and the map is Wake Island. Im on the USA team as commander and ive positioned myself at the north end of the China runway as anti-tank kit. The only person going for jets is a =EFA= clan member, the china commander is also an =EFA= clan member. So i bring the map up because i cant really see the jet, but i can see the icon on map when its spawned and empty. Soon as that icon goes away i launch a missle and boom i get a kill.

    I do this about mmm 10 times before i see my victim cry away in german, ive picked up a few words to understand the jist of what hes saying. The whole time i guess im not spotted or scanned or uav'ed because im able to knock him out that many times AND drop supply crates for myself. Not to mention command the battle and earn a decent ~60 points. So i finally die because some random person came up on me in a tank. About 10 mins goes by and i get myself back into position and guesssss whos still going for the J10. My lil bitch ..=EFA=. I score another 8 kills and he started to complain some more. By this time his other member leaves the game, but shortly returns with another =EFA= member, being an admin. I get kicked and banned for owning these ignorant german RETARDS over and over :}

    Levels of ignorance:

    1) Not being able to see a missle coming at you dead face on while in a jet.
    2) Not seeing a supply crate drop multiple times in the same direction and having a clue as to whats going on.
    3) Not being a good enough commander as to scan or spot.
    4) Being a loser ass german cry baby and banning a good player thats owning your ez ass.

    Id ROE for abusive admin but then ..why bother, nothing will happen.

  • #2
    Re: yet another IGNORANT GERMAN SERVER

    Hey hey dont be prejudice against Germans. Im sure many here wont appreciate that. Although I have noticed quite a few german servers like this.


    • #3
      Re: yet another IGNORANT GERMAN SERVER

      No wonder Germany lost World War I and World War II... meh


      • #4
        Re: yet another IGNORANT GERMAN SERVER

        And the fact that he was german is relevant how?

        I'm pretty sure you get plenty of idiots in every country. Just need to stop being so narrow minded.


        • #5
          Re: yet another IGNORANT GERMAN SERVER

          no offence, but for a global score of 1921, 10% accuracy, 169 tks... u kinda make me believe its not realli that german.... n its nt the first time u posted that people have kicked u...


          • #6
            Re: yet another IGNORANT GERMAN SERVER

            Prejudice against germans? NOPE
            Prejudice against ignorant bf2 players that are german, with frequent similar experiences? YUP

            For some reason i cant explain it seems that 99% of the servers in my list are german, so im in them more times than not. It also seems that each and every time i am something is messed up and its always a result of the germans in there being stupid. Be it admins or players or clan members ..stat padding cheating and general smacktardation ..runs rampant.

            Originally posted by venny
            no offence, but for a global score of 1921, 10% accuracy, 169 tks... u kinda make me believe its not realli that german....
            My stats really have nothing to do with these events, i play just fine. I tking happens i fly a lot and i shoot a lot. Id like to see your stats please, whats your nick/pid ?


            • #7
              Re: yet another IGNORANT GERMAN SERVER

              Oh, so if I enter a USA server and the admin is behaving like a ignorant bastard and I am kicked, that means Americans are ignorant retards?? Gotcha!

              Replace "American" with whatever country you are located in. Its just an example. From the sounds of things I'd say it is you who is the ignorant one.



              • #8
                Re: yet another IGNORANT GERMAN SERVER

                Originally posted by k0nsl
                Oh, so if I enter a USA server and the admin is behaving like a ignorant bastard and I am kicked, that means Americans are ignorant retards?? Gotcha!


                Id say those americans would be yes, and many are, inside and out of BF2.


                • #9
                  Re: yet another IGNORANT GERMAN SERVER

                  Originally posted by Marveric
                  No wonder Germany lost World War I and World War II... meh
                  LOL!!!! Initially the original post is funny and I do understand the frustration involved. Try and stick to a regular group of servers instead of risking finding more servers like that one.


                  • #10
                    Re: yet another IGNORANT GERMAN SERVER

                    hehe i have a few servers on my favs list but you know how it goes ...always empty


                    • #11
                      Re: yet another IGNORANT GERMAN SERVER

                      Roflmfao Omg!!!!!


                      • #12
                        Re: yet another IGNORANT GERMAN SERVER

                        Originally posted by AliasJay


                        nice... just.... nice



                        • #13
                          Re: yet another IGNORANT GERMAN SERVER

                          Originally posted by AliasJay
                          Id say those americans would be yes, and many are, inside and out of BF2.
                          There are ignorant retards anywhere on this planet. They are called "human beings." People are dip$hits point blank.


                          • #14
                            Re: yet another IGNORANT GERMAN SERVER

                            Jay... is absolutely right. Unforunately, more than half the German servers are playing have abusive admins. It's ridiculous


                            • #15
                              Re: yet another IGNORANT GERMAN SERVER

                              Also I don't mean to... you know... but I believe Germans have the largest hacker society in the world. And not the good one either.

