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Unlocked vs. default weapons

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  • #16
    Re: Unlocked vs. default weapons

    Originally posted by Teaves
    I have to admit that i have never been abused for using unlocked weapons online, for loads of other things yes (killing them, using planes, tanks, proning, rolling, etc, etc) but never using unlocks

    I also thought that the reason that clan games didnt allow unlocks was simply that they are played on unranked servers?? ands its not possible to have unlcoks on unranked servers (without breaking rules)
    Unlocks are available on unranked servers fine, the reason leagues/ladders don't allow them is in my experience it unbalances the game. From my experience playing on a ladder that allows unlocks the matches consist of two kits, medic and AT. Why use the assault class when you can use a better assault rifle and have unlimited health, same goes for AT. You can take out infantry at close range with the DAO and at medium to long with the AT missile, combined with the fact you are able to take out armor/choppers.

    Now take away the unlocks and you have a different game, AT gets screwed fighting infantry and is left to take out armor. Medic drops to using the same weapon as assault, leaving a choice out of the ability to heal yourself or taking body armor and grenade launcher.

    Snipers rarely are used with or without unlocks, Engineers unlocks don't matter as they are only used for armor. Spec ops gets used more without unlocks due to being able to defend themselves better than AT can and still have the ability to take out armor.

    IMO dice balanced the game with standard weapons, then at the last moment decided to throw unlocks in. Personally the only unlocks i'll use on public servers are G36C, DAO and thats about it although i'll take the M4 over the G36C.


    • #17
      Re: Unlocked vs. default weapons

      well, for one thing. EA touted the unlocks and ranks as something amazing. When in reality, the new weapons are just the same damn thing with a differnt look or sound. No real difference.

      Another things, many people are into competition, and very few ladders/leagues allow unlocks to be used. So they pub with default weapons almost exclusively, since they can't use them in competition, there's no reason to even use them at all. More consistent that way, you don't start getting used to an unlock.


      • #18
        Re: Unlocked vs. default weapons

        Originally posted by -aK-BuffaloSoulja
        ive got yelled at on several occasions for using g36c
        It's probably the type of servers you are playing on. Your getting yelled at because you are owning some noob cakes.

        Originally posted by Metasynaptic
        Clanners like to ban unlocks because they suually keep a second account for their clan games, which don't have any unlocks.
        I ignore them, open up the L96, and cap them in the head.

        Also, clan games on my ladder are unlocks allowed... in fact, encouraged.
        Besides, the default Spec Ops guns are actually quite good, especially the M4.

        BTW, what "ladder do you play in that allows unlocks"

