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spawn's kill in stats?

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  • spawn's kill in stats?

    Hi all!

    To be honest I dont like spawn killing that happends, especially often it happends in certain maps (karkand for example). Of course at moment of point capture that is neccessary (although dirty) job. Because otherwise spawns simply will not allow capture flag to you. But from other point of view - there are many cases when people just raise their stats or gather some points for badges by spawn killing and that is not good.
    So I just thought maybe it would good if game do not record into stats for 1-2 secs from moment of spawn anything that happends to him - kills, deaths, anything else (except TK).

  • #2
    Re: spawn's kill in stats?

    Everyone with this crazy ideas.. It's almost impossible to let the game check if you spawn killed someone only more bugs and annoying things will come out of that. I don't hope they are including such a system it's crazy I hate spawnkilling but I find it too strange to put it into stats.. I don't care if someone spawn kills all the time.. I'll leave the server then (Sometimes 5% of the time... -.-) I don't care if it's in someone's stats or not..Why should I even bother to look at how much spawn kills he has what do I want to do agains that? Indeed nothing it isn't a violation according to the BFROE right?


    • #3
      Re: spawn's kill in stats?

      We need the internet bandwith for hit registration more not creasy stuff like that...


      • #4
        Re: spawn's kill in stats?

        happends is not a word you pijjehn.


        • #5
          Re: spawn's kill in stats?

          I just think that when you spawn you should be invincible for 1 second, so when you react straight away you got a chance to move out of the way.


          • #6
            Re: spawn's kill in stats?

            Originally posted by SaUrOn
            I just think that when you spawn you should be invincible for 1 second, so when you react straight away you got a chance to move out of the way.
            I just think people should spawn elsewhere.


            • #7
              Re: spawn's kill in stats?

              I think it is a good idea. I never played 1942 or Viet Nam, and have just this past week or two started playing BF2 after a couple years of Unreal Tournament 2004. In UT you are immune to damage for 3 seconds after spawning and was rather surprised that BF2 did not have this feature.

              I bought the game to have fun, and for the most part it is. A lot of fun. But spawning into the middle of artillery barrage is not fun. Spawning into a crossfire and getting plugged before you can even hit the prone button is not fun. Depending on the map and number of spawn points it can happen over and over and over, which is really no fun. I think a 2 second take no damage / deal no damage after spawn setting would help limit this and make the game more fun, unless spawn camping supports some wider overarching strategic nuance of the game to which I am n00bily ignorant? Again, this has been a feature on UT servers for years and while it does not eliminate spawn camping it is less of an issue than it seems to be (or has been for me so far) with BF2 . Other than liking to rack up the cheap kills, why would someone not want to stop spawn camping or at least make it harder? Please enlighten me.


              • #8
                Re: spawn's kill in stats?

                Originally posted by KoMeT*[NL]
                ...Why should I even bother to look at how much spawn kills he has ...
                You misunderstud me Maybe my english is not good enough to correct express what I meant.
                I did not want register how much spawns kill some person but not inlcude spawn killing in stats at all - so that spawn killer didn't get undeserved high K/D ratio.
                In other words anything that happens to spawn in 1-2 secs after respawn is not included in stats absolutely (except TK).

                P.S. If my sentences and/or poll was not clear enough but forum admins consider it valuable enough then you may reformulate it and make new poll


                • #9
                  Re: spawn's kill in stats?

                  We need the internet bandwith for hit registration more not creasy stuff like that...
                  I 100% Agree that is #1 on my "" if they did that I really would be happy.. But I think it's unlikely that there will be another patch after 1.3 I hope they now can call it a refined and polished game I still feel like the game is in alpha stage or something some times.. I love bf2 though!


                  • #10
                    Re: spawn's kill in stats?

                    Originally posted by HailAngus
                    happends is not a word you pijjehn.

                    And what a hell means word "pijjehn"???


                    • #11
                      Re: spawn's kill in stats?

                      If you are being spawn-camped do the following: spawn to the nearest flag. I think most of the spawncamping is on city maps, and city maps have a very little distance between flag and flag. So running to the camped flag shouldn't be problem. Then kill the spawncamper(s). This is the easiest part. They are concentrating on killing the spawners in the second they appear, so killing them is very easy and you saved some of your own teammates life.

                      If you have only one flag, then everybody on your team will spawn there and you can outnumber the campers and kill them. If you can't then you have a lot of n00bs in your team and you s*cked.


                      • #12
                        Re: spawn's kill in stats?

                        I just think that when you spawn you should be invincible for 1 second, so when you react straight away you got a chance to move out of the way.

                        Put a C4 right by a spawnpoint and as soon as someone spawns hit it. They go flying in the air. They have like a 0.2 invincibity time, maybe less.


                        • #13
                          Re: spawn's kill in stats?

                          If you have been killed a few times on the same spawn it should tell you to go and spawn somewhere else.

                          If you want to get killed over and over again keep spawning, but don't blame the spawners for your death


                          • #14
                            Re: spawn's kill in stats?

                            Originally posted by Nanufox74
                            If you have been killed a few times on the same spawn it should tell you to go and spawn somewhere else.
                            Well, yes, of course. But as was pointed out that is not always possible, and is only an option as you say, after you have died at least twice before realizing someone is camping.

                            I am no expert but it should not be a problem technically as seen from other games. So no one can give a good reason why spawn camping is an allowed part of the game other than "that's way it has been"? Don't get me wrong, BF2 is a great game and this is a minor point. It just seems to me it would be easy to fix with a good upside and no downside.

                            Originally posted by Nanufox74
                            If you want to get killed over and over again keep spawning,
                            Sorry for being such a n00b, but your post makes it sound like it is possible to pause your spawn in Multiplayer but I can't find anything on it in Google or Wiki. Is it as simple as hitting 'P' and I somehow screwed it up?


                            • #15
                              Re: spawn's kill in stats?

                              Originally posted by thinkingbear
                              Sorry for being such a n00b, but your post makes it sound like it is possible to pause your spawn in Multiplayer but I can't find anything on it in Google or Wiki. Is it as simple as hitting 'P' and I somehow screwed it up?
                              It is possible to stop your spawn hit enter then click on some random part of the map so no flag is highlighted to spawn on. Then you wont spawn i do that all the time if the place i want to spawn on is getting artillary onit and i want to wait till after its artillarys finished.

