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How do you get on top of THAT Building

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  • How do you get on top of THAT Building

    In Strike at Karkand I captured the first base (hotel) and noticed a grenade drop on me.. After I died I noticed 2 players at the top of the hotel dropping grenades on people....

    I was able to plug one of them and the other hid out.. I have no idea how they got to the top of that building?

  • #2
    Re: How do you get on top of THAT Building

    If FF was off, there is your answer...they probably used C4 to blow themselves up there. That is why I don't play on FF off servers.

    If FF was ON...then try checking here:


    • #3
      Re: How do you get on top of THAT Building

      Originally posted by Talus
      If FF was off, there is your answer...they probably used C4 to blow themselves up there. That is why I don't play on FF off servers.

      If FF was ON...then try checking here:

      Bangon Talus. U are total right. thats the only way i know of getting on top of buildings like that. FF is a cheaters way of playing the game i think. I belive FF should be turned off on every server but i guess you cant have everything your own way never mind


      • #4
        Re: How do you get on top of THAT Building

        FF is a cheaters way of playing the game i think. I belive FF should be turned off on every server but i guess you cant have everything your own way never mind
        So basically launching a teammate to the top of a building is NOT cheating but teamkilling a teammate accidentally with a nade is? Lol I think you have ff on and ff off in the wrong places in your sentence...


        • #5
          Re: How do you get on top of THAT Building

          Ehem. Did some searching. There is a glitch that makes you able to get up there. This page doesn't say how (for obvious reasons), but it does explain the rest.


          • #6
            Re: How do you get on top of THAT Building

            Originally posted by SnowControl
            Ehem. Did some searching. There is a glitch that makes you able to get up there. This page doesn't say how (for obvious reasons), but it does explain the rest.

            The glich should work same as the Dragon VAlley temple or who knows...


            • #7
              Re: How do you get on top of THAT Building

              Man, thats fantastic. Great job guys with that quick informatoion...

              Thats what makes this game rock...


              • #8
                Re: How do you get on top of THAT Building

                I'm going to try and find it out. So, the glitch can work with FF on?


                • #9
                  Re: How do you get on top of THAT Building

                  Think so. Bet its like that one on dragon valley, were you can get underneath those silos by the harbour.

                  Googling is my job, dopher :P.


                  • #10
                    Re: How do you get on top of THAT Building

                    Ok the other day we saw a guy accross the train accident building, FF was on

                    But this time he was ontop, he was stuck inside, because the UAV was on him and he shoot you from any direction, and to prove he wasnt ontop i went to the bulding next to him with only my head sticking out above that box thing on the roof and could hit me

                    Then we saw grenades falling from the top, so i throw one on the same spot and saw it explode and no kill. UAV showed him to side center and his icon would only spin but not move side to side

                    I have fraps of it ill upload it when i optimize it


                    • #11
                      Re: How do you get on top of THAT Building

                      Ive been banned from 3 to 4 ranked servers for being up there, its not really a trick, but im not going to post it because this is too fun, well any glitch is fun when you feel like the only one that knows it, just keep trying kiddies.


                      • #12
                        Re: How do you get on top of THAT Building

                        Were you ontop, or inside it?


                        • #13
                          Re: How do you get on top of THAT Building

                          Another tactic for lamers...


                          • #14
                            Re: How do you get on top of THAT Building


