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This is bug

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  • This is bug

    The distance AA missles take before reacting to flares....

    If you're close (100m) in a copter to AA/mobile-AA then you have NO chance no matter how many flares you have. Every missle they fire will hit. I think it's only fair to the copter that if they have flares to use, then missles should miss or at least have a chance of missing rather than hit every time. It's obvious however, that if you're that close with no flares, you SHOULD die. As is, it's massively unbalanced - the flares shouldn't be utterly useless in any situation.

  • #2
    Re: This is bug

    A large part of the BF2 community complained that the AA was super inaccurate. EA fixed it and they made it so that you could never miss no matter what. Then when 1.22 came out, they tuned the AA down a little bit and everyone seems to be happy for the most part. I don't think it needs to be messed around with anymore. It's either black or white, when EA fixes something there seems to be no grey area.
    I would rather have EA fix something a lot more practical like the collision meshes for the tanks, the invisible TOW missiile, the red tag bug, the rampant crashes to desktop, etc. etc. etc. So many bugs to choose from.


    • #3
      Re: This is bug

      Mike, you're not understanding the mechanics.

      The auto-lock feature doesn't active until the missiles have traveled a certain distance. So...the missiles simply fire straight until it travels a pre-set distance...only then does it begin to lock on to things. They are "dead fires" until that distance is crossed. So, if you want to not get hit up close, you gotta evade someone's aim. The direction they fired at will be where the rocket doesn't track you. Just move out of the way.


      • #4
        Re: This is bug

        or take out the AA with cannon before you get to close(if possible)

        when i use AA its 50/50 if i get a kill i think this is fair due to the fact if the heli fired its cannon id be dead anyway.


        • #5
          Re: This is bug

          i think they're fine


          • #6
            Re: This is bug

            Originally posted by RpTheHotrod
            Mike, you're not understanding the mechanics.

            The auto-lock feature doesn't active until the missiles have traveled a certain distance. So...the missiles simply fire straight until it travels a pre-set distance...only then does it begin to lock on to things. They are "dead fires" until that distance is crossed. So, if you want to not get hit up close, you gotta evade someone's aim. The direction they fired at will be where the rocket doesn't track you. Just move out of the way.
            Well....yes, this is the problem. I don't think this 'dead fire' should exist. Why should the copter be punished by becoming a flying coffin when close to AA for trying to give either himself or the gunner a better shot at the target? And it's not simply a case of moving out of the way - those missles move far too fast and when you're close enough to have caused them to 'dead fire' then you don't stand a chance.

            I agree with Revoluti0n though, EA/DICE have bigger fish to fry in terms of things that need fixing in this game - as much as I'd like to see this little problem fixed.


            • #7
              Re: This is bug

              Originally posted by mikelar10
              The distance AA missles take before reacting to flares....

              If you're close (100m) in a copter to AA/mobile-AA then you have NO chance no matter how many flares you have. Every missle they fire will hit. I think it's only fair to the copter that if they have flares to use, then missles should miss or at least have a chance of missing rather than hit every time. It's obvious however, that if you're that close with no flares, you SHOULD die. As is, it's massively unbalanced - the flares shouldn't be utterly useless in any situation.
              I don't agree with you. The missiles will go towards whatever you are locked on, flares or aircraft, regardless of the distance. Trust me, I'm in the top 300 people in the world in air defense.


              • #8
                Re: This is bug

                The range on all AA missiles is still pretty ****. Any AA emplacement/vehicle can be killed from well outside it's range using a TV missile or a jet's cannon. ATM it requires a little creativity with placement of mobile AA to get kills, and stationary stuff is a deathtrap.


                • #9
                  Re: This is bug

                  Originally posted by govedob
                  I don't agree with you. The missiles will go towards whatever you are locked on, flares or aircraft, regardless of the distance. Trust me, I'm in the top 300 people in the world in air defense.
                  No, my problem is that say you're 500m from the AA - in the copter you'll get a lock warning. So you flare and fly off. That distance, as somebody else pointed out, is sufficient for the auto-lock to kick in on the missles....however the flares mean they should miss. Yet when you're close (say 100m), the missles will hit regardless of any locking taking place - in effect the AA is being used as a TOW. I'm saying this shouldn't happen, that flares shouldn't be useless because of distance. Unless of course, the copter is taking up the whole area of vision for the guy in the AA, so flares wouldn't be taken into account since the AA can't see them....but for this to happen you'd have to be practically ontop of the AA.


                  • #10
                    Re: This is bug

                    Originally posted by mikelar10
                    No, my problem is that say you're 500m from the AA - in the copter you'll get a lock warning. So you flare and fly off. That distance, as somebody else pointed out, is sufficient for the auto-lock to kick in on the missles....however the flares mean they should miss. Yet when you're close (say 100m), the missles will hit regardless of any locking taking place - in effect the AA is being used as a TOW. I'm saying this shouldn't happen, that flares shouldn't be useless because of distance. Unless of course, the copter is taking up the whole area of vision for the guy in the AA, so flares wouldn't be taken into account since the AA can't see them....but for this to happen you'd have to be practically ontop of the AA.
                    I've been in situations on Iron Gator where I've had choppers in less than 100m distance, and my essex's missiles were missing because of the flares and the pilot's skills. Of course the chances of your missiles hitting at that distance are greater, but missing is not 100 % excluded.


                    • #11
                      Re: This is bug

                      The distance AA missles take before reacting to flares....

                      If you're close (100m) in a copter to AA/mobile-AA then you have NO chance no matter how many flares you have. Every missle they fire will hit. I think it's only fair to the copter that if they have flares to use, then missles should miss or at least have a chance of missing rather than hit every time. It's obvious however, that if you're that close with no flares, you SHOULD die. As is, it's massively unbalanced - the flares shouldn't be utterly useless in any situation.
                      I agree, this has been ****ing me off for a long time, albiet AA was weak vs. choppers before its just plain stupid now...

                      The auto-lock feature doesn't active until the missiles have traveled a certain distance.
                      Whats that certain distance? 5m? I have been in a stinger and had a chopper hovering about 20m off, real close, I fired the missiles (as a test) to the side of it and after about 5-10m (i.e. zero distance) they made a ninety degree turn and hit the chopper...BOOM!

                      Keeping that in mind, the flares on a chopper never seem to work if you are closer than 100m....and yes, many times I have been at 100m had the guy aim a bit away from me i.e. NOT directly at me, hit the flares and had BOTH missiles hit... I mean wtf...


                      • #12
                        Re: This is bug

                        I highly doubt a copter within 100m could dodge 8 essex missles - and if he really was 'less than 100m' from you, you should have taken him out with the cannon in a second - ARE YOU SURE YOU'RE IN THE TOP 300 FOR AIR DEFENCE???

                        Seriously, I'm not going to turn this into a 'my word vs. your word' type of debate. I know this happens despite being unsure of the distance it takes. As I say, there shouldn't be a case when flares are useless.


                        • #13
                          Re: This is bug

                          Originally posted by mikelar10
                          I highly doubt a copter within 100m could dodge 8 essex missles - and if he really was 'less than 100m' from you, you should have taken him out with the cannon in a second - ARE YOU SURE YOU'RE IN THE TOP 300 FOR AIR DEFENCE???

                          Seriously, I'm not going to turn this into a 'my word vs. your word' type of debate. I know this happens despite being unsure of the distance it takes. As I say, there shouldn't be a case when flares are useless.
                          Well you don't alway have 8 missiles available at any second, especially if two choppers are attacking you. Also I didn't say that you will miss in 100% of the cases. I said that the odds are on your side, but the possibilty of missing is not 100% excluded, meaning there is (100 minus your pretty good odds)% chance that you can still miss.


                          • #14
                            Re: This is bug

                            Wait so you're saying if the helo/plane is far enough way you dont even need to lock up?


                            • #15
                              Re: This is bug

                              Originally posted by Dooshy
                              Wait so you're saying if the helo/plane is far enough way you dont even need to lock up?
                              No, he says that if the chopper is less than 100m, the flares are useless and you'll hit regardless.

