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An open letter to EA/DICE

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  • An open letter to EA/DICE

    The following is an open letter I have submitted to EA and thus thru them I suppose it will also make it's way to the DICE people.

    While playing BF2 today on a server running "Kubra Dam" I was kicked after approximately 10-15 mins and told to "Go Hack somewhere else"!. This seemed to be an automated message via Punkbuster.

    As such I was (read AM PO'ed) I do not hack/cheat etc. I have no hack/cheat software anywhere on this machine or any other. Never have never will.

    I DO have a logitech G15 keyboard which runs a small app that displays my score and server info on the LCD screen.

    I DO have a Saitek X-52 flight control system (JS & Throttle and a ton of buttons and sliders) which has a profile in memory for when I can actually get an aircraft and fly it.

    I have sent the following open letter to EA:


    To EA and DICE

    You people NEED to figure out that PunkBuster is, aside from being in itself a security hack and that it is worthless as a means of preventing "cheating" in any game it has been used in, does not work correctly nor does it garner any feeling of security for your customer (Player) base.

    to wit:
    While I was playing a BF2-Kubra Dam round, I get a kick message and told to "Go HACK somewhere else" With the info dialog stating that I had been kicked from the game for cheating via PunkBuster.


    Since I received the info dialog stating that it was PB kicking I do not believe that it was a manual kick because I happened to be accruing a decent amount of game points in the round and someone didn't like it.

    2 I DO RUN a Saitek X-52 Flight control system AND I have a Logitech G15 keyboard. These ARE NEITHER CHEATS OR HACKS!!!! The only thing running on the G15 is a BF2 score display system.

    The X-52 is running a profile for aircraft flight control for BF2.

    Since PunkBuster scans memory and reports everything it finds to a PB master server it is probably saying these memory resident programs are cheats. AGAIN they are not.

    And aside from PB opening a huge security hole in every machine it is running on, it is and always has been a totally ineffective effort to eliminate cheats.

    Just think if you have a file open and minimised which has say your credit card account information with pin numbers and password. Start a BF2 round and whoopeeee PUNKBUSTER NOW HAS ALL YOUR CREDIT CARD ACCOUNT INFORMATION!!!

    Fun HUH??

    I DO NOT care to be labeled and LIBELED a cheater or a hacker since I am neither. I respect the efforts of both EA and DICE in the production and distribution of the Battlefield 2 game system. I would like that respect to be reciprocated to myself and any other players who may receive like treatment thru the BF franchise.

    I reiterate that I do not feel the core BF2 system did this but punkbuster thru the game system and AS YOUR AGENT, IS responsible.

    I feel that Punkbuster should be removed from the Battlefield(ALL) systems and replaced with a, if possible, viable, working cheat prevention system. I do not argue that a functioning system IS nessasary. Only that one which labels and defames your innocent CUSTOMERS as cheaters is not in the best interest of either EA, DICE nor their respective partners, stockholders and investors.

    An apology to all the BF2 customers who have had dispersions cast upon them and their character by the miscreant Punkbuster software would not be out of place either.

    Thank you,


    Signed and dated with my name and BF2 ID#.

    A copy is also available at:

    Also do not allow the thought that I am some 13yr old whining about this. The circumstances which occurred today would be viewed as libel and prosecutable in a U.S. court of law. And I am FAR from being a 13yr old.

    Take up the call and voice your opinions to EA/DICE.
    or if nothing else at least be aware.



  • #2
    Re: An open letter to EA/DICE

    Originally posted by IndiQa





    • #3
      Re: An open letter to EA/DICE

      If the server is setup a certain way a manual kick will show it as a punkbuster kick I believe.


      • #4
        Re: An open letter to EA/DICE

        Although you do have a good point, if its true, with the credit card info I think your taking this a little too heavily. I think we've all been accused once or twice but its nothing to get mad about. I would have saved a letter like this for if/when you get banned from PB servers. I bet EA/Dice gets email like this all the time and I doubt they are really going to do anything about it.


        • #5
          Re: An open letter to EA/DICE

          Originally posted by Brutus
          If the server is setup a certain way a manual kick will show it as a punkbuster kick I believe.
          Yep. You got kicked by an admin.


          • #6
            Re: An open letter to EA/DICE

            I'm not saying what happened doesn't suck, but no court is going to find them guilty of libel. You can't prove that PB kicked you, as opposed to an admin with a god complex.

            With that said, PB is a giant piece of :cussing: and I've been kicked multiple times and told to restore my game to the default state. It was never modified so I just join the server again and I'm fine. It's annoying, but life goes on.


            • #7
              Re: An open letter to EA/DICE

              take your letter to the admin, You know what EA / DICE Do with a letter like thise ? ? = circular file. They could care less, as long as they keep bringin in the big bucks...


              • #8
                Re: An open letter to EA/DICE

                EA will keep your email addy so as to spam you about new EA titles.

                The issue with PB kicking you is there was an admin in that server who didn't like dying by your hands and so arbitarily kicked you and the kick message you saw was PB kicking you


                • #9
                  Re: An open letter to EA/DICE

                  Hmm yes you all are probably all correct but I would like to see them made aware that the PLAYER community is actively watching what goes on. It very well may have been an incompetent admin there are plenty of those I suspect.

                  I just hate to see crap like this happen to a game I do dearly love. Though not nessesarily own at. :-)

                  Thanks all,



                  • #10
                    Re: An open letter to EA/DICE

                    PB doesnt tell you to "Go hack somewhere else"!

                    Lame ass, Saturday morning cartoon watching, 12 year old admins do.

                    I believe if it were PB that kicked you it would have something to the effect of "You have been kicked for modified content".

                    Well worded letter though, harshly mis-aimed as well, as said in prior posts, it should be sent to the proprietors of the server you were playing on.


                    • #11
                      Re: An open letter to EA/DICE

                      Originally posted by ~SOM~Soldat
                      EA will keep your email addy so as to spam you about new EA titles.
                      Oh good........................


                      • #12
                        Re: An open letter to EA/DICE

                        you must have a lot of time on your hand.


                        • #13
                          Re: An open letter to EA/DICE

                          Libel? What a jerk. I was kicked once and the message wasn't very nice, I was alleged to have been something bad. Hmm, that's libel! I must sue.




                          • #14
                            Re: An open letter to EA/DICE

                            Another thing to note is that if you were kicked by PB for cheating, you would have been banned, and not only from that server, but from all servers running PB, which means all ranked servers.


                            • #15
                              Re: An open letter to EA/DICE

                              Or from ANY PB enabled game for that matter.You were admin kicked dude.No worries.Post the servers/admin name in the DO NOT ENTER list and frag on.

