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Stupidity... Sometimes I hate this game...

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  • Stupidity... Sometimes I hate this game...

    Ok so I am playing on a server, 24/7 karkand.. And I just want to use the tank... So I go and wait for it, then the guy who died previously in the tank spawns there runs up and shoots me, rivives me, shoots me again, and then takes tank, and continues to tell admin how I SHOT HIM!!!

    Like what the hell is wrong with people. I am tired to get the tank or APC on Karkand so I can actually get a few kills because I will just get shot by a teammate of the neighborhood armour hog will just keep taking it...

    It seems impossible to walk through Karkand without getting shot by an APC or tank, so it is kind of like you have to get one yourself otherwise you won't get any kills.


  • #2
    Re: Stupidity... Sometimes I hate this game...

    lmao, i have that problem aswell, sometimes people can be greedy bastards init


    • #3
      Re: Stupidity... Sometimes I hate this game...

      Play another map maybe.


      • #4
        Re: Stupidity... Sometimes I hate this game...

        maybe, but some maps i just like playing over n over again as they ma fav.


        • #5
          Re: Stupidity... Sometimes I hate this game...

          i wish ea had infantry only, closet thing to it will be coop when released

          ai's suck in vehicles


          • #6
            Re: Stupidity... Sometimes I hate this game...

            Originally posted by MadRopes
            Ok so I am playing on a server, 24/7 karkand.. And I just want to use the tank... So I go and wait for it, then the guy who died previously in the tank spawns there runs up and shoots me, rivives me, shoots me again, and then takes tank, and continues to tell admin how I SHOT HIM!!!

            Like what the hell is wrong with people. I am tired to get the tank or APC on Karkand so I can actually get a few kills because I will just get shot by a teammate of the neighborhood armour hog will just keep taking it...

            It seems impossible to walk through Karkand without getting shot by an APC or tank, so it is kind of like you have to get one yourself otherwise you won't get any kills.

            Got to love these crazy pubbies, Cant live with them, Cant live without them. Playing in BF2 solo is not worth it, I cant stand it. But if you got a squad of your friends with you, tearing the shyza out of the opposition its the best feeling. My 2 pennies. IMO


            • #7
              Re: Stupidity... Sometimes I hate this game...

              Originally posted by MadRopes
              Ok so I am playing on a server, 24/7 karkand.. And I just want to use the tank... So I go and wait for it, then the guy who died previously in the tank spawns there runs up and shoots me, rivives me, shoots me again, and then takes tank, and continues to tell admin how I SHOT HIM!!!

              Like what the hell is wrong with people. I am tired to get the tank or APC on Karkand so I can actually get a few kills because I will just get shot by a teammate of the neighborhood armour hog will just keep taking it...

              It seems impossible to walk through Karkand without getting shot by an APC or tank, so it is kind of like you have to get one yourself otherwise you won't get any kills.

              Sounds like its time for a "Kill[name here]" account


              • #8
                Re: Stupidity... Sometimes I hate this game...

                Originally posted by MadRopes
                Ok so I am playing on a server, 24/7 karkand

                Therein lies your problem, Karkand attracts a lot of idiots.


                • #9
                  Re: Stupidity... Sometimes I hate this game...

                  Originally posted by MadRopes
                  Ok so I am playing on a server, 24/7 karkand.. And I just want to use the tank... So I go and wait for it, then the guy who died previously in the tank spawns there runs up and shoots me, rivives me, shoots me again, and then takes tank, and continues to tell admin how I SHOT HIM!!!

                  Like what the hell is wrong with people. I am tired to get the tank or APC on Karkand so I can actually get a few kills because I will just get shot by a teammate of the neighborhood armour hog will just keep taking it...

                  It seems impossible to walk through Karkand without getting shot by an APC or tank, so it is kind of like you have to get one yourself otherwise you won't get any kills.

                  Switch servers, or even better stop playing Karkand. It's for whores only.


                  • #10
                    Re: Stupidity... Sometimes I hate this game...

                    Try special forces. Also if have squad you can join twl for infantry only matches. commanders cant even use arty on ya.


                    • #11
                      Re: Stupidity... Sometimes I hate this game...

                      you cant use a tank on karkand,no one uses a tank on karkand.

                      ppl do whore tanks on karkand
                      they also tk for tanks on karkand.

                      not to mention other things on other maps like heli/planes

                      i like sharqi and other day when i joined mec team.
                      i spawn at the heli pad and there were 2 players already there,so i jumped in the AA and they flew off.then 30 seconds later the heli respawns so i jog up to it.

                      then the 2 guys previous join me in the E frenzy.

                      i get the heli as pilot (still learning) so i fly over to a landing spot and jump out the other guy takes over and off we go,i tv a tank and kill 4 or 5 infantary then he crashed.

                      so back to the spawn we go,this time i get in and i am gunner,but pilot wants his buddy to be gunner,"get out get out" he spams "negative negative" i reply so the noob flips the heli upside down and kill both of us???

                      similar happens again but this time he takes off and hovers near his buddy how has a m95,he just missed me so i cannon his ass,then lol mr m95 says im reporting you for tk for the chopper.

                      im like" how can i tk you for a chopper when im in the gunner seat,yes i tk you but you trying to m95 me out the chopper"

                      then i said in chat window heard of roe?
                      he replys yea im reporting you!!

                      i say well i have fraps evidence to prove you are a liar and you are the one at fault,with in 10 seconds he and m8 are gone.

                      i did not have fraps anything.

                      all in all there are some stupid noobs out there,
                      but there always other servers,but my case was differnt as its my fav server i was in.


                      • #12
                        Re: Stupidity... Sometimes I hate this game...

                        I laugh at all the fools who keep saying 'find another server' after hearing someone say something bad happened on the server he was playing on.

                        One day they will wake up and realise that almost all servers are the same with the same type of people in them.

                        If server 1234 had a guy who would tk for a vehicle, and then complain that it was the other way around to the admin - then the next server would have a guy who would place c4 on the planes spawn point, just in case he didnt get the plane, then tell the admins that a guy was attempting to tk everyone on the carrier.

                        I cant wait until these fools finally wake up to the reality.


                        • #13
                          Re: Stupidity... Sometimes I hate this game...

                          This is an FPS, what do you have against using a gun??


                          • #14
                            Re: Stupidity... Sometimes I hate this game...

                            Ya that sux.. always been that way so it's really nothing new. SIGH!!!


                            • #15
                              Re: Stupidity... Sometimes I hate this game...

                              Now that is a funny scenario. I would recommend you stop hitting the pib servers and go to a decent well admined clan server.

