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1.3 not out for a least a week

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  • 1.3 not out for a least a week

    Its sad, but true.

  • #2
    Re: 1.3 not out for a least a week



    • #3
      Re: 1.3 not out for a least a week

      Got source?


      • #4
        Re: 1.3 not out for a least a week

        Indeed everyone can tel that where'd you find it.


        • #5
          Re: 1.3 not out for a least a week

          yeah, and this guy in the pub told me that Half-Life 3 is coming out march 2007


          • #6
            Re: 1.3 not out for a least a week

            guys I have noticed like a dozen threads for past few days regarding this patch, for me I am still playing and having fun..once its out its OUT!

            why all those threads and whining!!! chill out guys....I'm not trying to offend u or be rude or anything but guys chill out...


            • #7
              Re: 1.3 not out for a least a week

              Another patch that will introduce hundreds of new bugs and increase my chance of crashing to desktop, thanks EA.


              • #8
                Re: 1.3 not out for a least a week

                Originally posted by Jerunk
                Another patch that will introduce hundreds of new bugs and increase my chance of crashing to desktop, thanks EA.
                Stop being so negative.


                • #9
                  Re: 1.3 not out for a least a week

                  Originally posted by Jackass
                  Stop being so negative.
                  Something about that line being posted over yout sig struck me as damn funny.


                  • #10
                    Re: 1.3 not out for a least a week

                    blah blah blah...


                    • #11
                      Re: 1.3 not out for a least a week

                      "Very very soon" - IndianScout


                      • #12
                        Re: 1.3 not out for a least a week

                        They said May right? Maybe it'll be out Monday.


                        • #13
                          Re: 1.3 not out for a least a week

                          I have a hunch that it'll be next week.
                          It's just a hunch tho. The only real evidence I have to support it is that it's been 2 weeks since they modified the awards. I suspect that that modification was supposed to happen at the same time as the patch was released, but then something happened in testing and 1.3 failed that round. Since test rounds are 2 weeks... well, either it's been passed now (as Idianscout's comment seems to suggest) or it will be soon.

                          This week or next. Probably. They still have a hefty chunk of May left tho.
                          Still, if yer working on any BR based vids, hurry up and finish 'em! We all know (by now) that BR .demo files are NOT forward compatable. Right?


                          • #14
                            Re: 1.3 not out for a least a week

                            Originally posted by vets.Sarge
                            yeah, and this guy in the pub told me that Half-Life 3 is coming out march 2007
                            there will be no halflife 3...just episodes (wlel half life 3 mite come out in like 5 years or something ..but not planned yet)


                            • #15
                              Re: 1.3 not out for a least a week

                              Originally posted by ConscriptVirus
                              there will be no halflife 3...just episodes (wlel half life 3 mite come out in like 5 years or something ..but not planned yet)
                              Lol, you are sooooooo gulabal :laugh:

