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No more squad hopping in 1.3...a solution.

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  • No more squad hopping in 1.3...a solution.

    I propose a solution to this no more squad hopping in 1.3

    If I'm a squad leader, and someone in my squad captures a flag, I should get a flag capture assist point. There is no benefit to being a squad leader if you remove squad hopping. The only benefit a squad leader has now is being a spawn point. Add points for being a good leader, and I'll gladly accept this change.

    The problem with this change, is that it's been in how long??? They are just NOW taking it out of the game??? It would be like Dynamix (when they were still around) taking skiing out of Tribes. It wasn't ever meant to be in the game, it was an accident, and a bug, yet it became a feature that set it apart from any game out there and made it one of the best FPS's ever.


    Best solution would be to make it a server side option so it would be off for matches and on for public play.

  • #2
    Re: No more squad hopping in 1.3...a solution.

    I don't think points for flags is the so called problem.


    • #3
      Re: No more squad hopping in 1.3...a solution.

      Yes but he's talking about there being no benefits of squad leaders


      • #4
        Re: No more squad hopping in 1.3...a solution.

        how about a point every time a player spawns off of the squadleader? so if he stays back and doesnt engage the enemy, he get points for a strategic spawning. that would be fair. the biggest problem with the idea is that everyone would want to be squadleader and not join a squad.


        • #5
          Re: No more squad hopping in 1.3...a solution.

          Originally posted by Strega
          I propose a solution to this no more squad hopping in 1.3

          If I'm a squad leader, and someone in my squad captures a flag, I should get a flag capture assist point. There is no benefit to being a squad leader if you remove squad hopping. The only benefit a squad leader has now is being a spawn point. Add points for being a good leader, and I'll gladly accept this change.

          The problem with this change, is that it's been in how long??? They are just NOW taking it out of the game??? It would be like Dynamix (when they were still around) taking skiing out of Tribes. It wasn't ever meant to be in the game, it was an accident, and a bug, yet it became a feature that set it apart from any game out there and made it one of the best FPS's ever.


          Best solution would be to make it a server side option so it would be off for matches and on for public play.

          Squad hopping imo needed to go, but I do totally agree with giving the SL a point for captured flags, etc.


          • #6
            Re: No more squad hopping in 1.3...a solution.

            Originally posted by Strega
            [...]Best solution would be to make it a server side option[..]
            Hurray, one of the few who tries not to press rules on other people - congrats mate!

            Make it a server side option so everyone can play on servers one likes. (Turning FF off - generally or just for mines & clays - is imho a bigger "exploit" )

            PS: This matter is STRICTLY about public servers, NOT about clans. If some clan league, ladder, whatsoever likes or dislikes squadhopping they can just make a rule and enforce it on their members - so its just about public servers

            Further its kind a strange that DICE tries to press rules on how people have to play while they are unable to fix more important bugs. (Don´t tell me they wanted to do it for a long time - disabling 2 buttons when one is dead takes normally a few minutes)


            • #7
              Re: No more squad hopping in 1.3...a solution.

              how about a point every time a player spawns off of the squadleader? so if he stays back and doesnt engage the enemy, he get points for a strategic spawning. that would be fair. the biggest problem with the idea is that everyone would want to be squadleader and not join a squad.
              Bah, thats asking for statpadding/exploiting...


              • #8
                Re: No more squad hopping in 1.3...a solution.

                Originally posted by Strega
                It would be like Dynamix (when they were still around) taking skiing out of Tribes. It wasn't ever meant to be in the game, it was an accident, and a bug, yet it became a feature that set it apart from any game out there and made it one of the best FPS's ever.
                mad props from an old tribes player, renegades mod OGL ladder

                The big thing I don't get about the change is that it effectively slows down the game. I can't think of an advantage to slowing down a game that already requires so much teamwork to play well. Squad hopping meant a 12v12 match would have 11 peeps able to attack, and if the S/L died you could recover.

                Now, you'll have to put a person aside who will basically be forbidden from taking risks to keep a spawn point up. So 12v12 becomes more like 9v9. A "good" squad leader will only have to be good at hiding, where in the past it took skill and knowledge to think a couple moves ahead and start moving to the next flag, where people could spawn on you.

                Oh well, mods are coming soon that will hopefully get us out from EA's influence in-game.


                • #9
                  Re: No more squad hopping in 1.3...a solution.

                  Originally posted by oaKenfoLd
                  Now, you'll have to put a person aside who will basically be forbidden from taking risks to keep a spawn point up.
                  I keep hearing this over and over, but it strikes me as not being very true.
                  When I'm pubbing, I'm often a dedicated SL and I don't spend the entire round hiding. I'll take up tactically secure positions to gather my squad, then move in with 'em if things are right. Hopefully the squad is qorking together enough so I know I've got a medic that can revive me if I go down and a bunch of other guys with guns close by to help cover me arse even in the thick of things.

                  When I do go to ground, it's usually in a place where I can cover our objective and lend fire support to my guys. This is why I prefer to go Support as SL. I've got armour and I can do some damage at longish range with my 'ol PKM.

                  It's not about hiding... it's about playing smart, playing together, and kicking arse.


                  • #10
                    Re: No more squad hopping in 1.3...a solution.

                    Originally posted by Alcorr
                    Bah, thats asking for statpadding/exploiting...
                    that is true. i am not in the habit of thinking that way, and probably causes me to overlook those issues.


                    • #11
                      Re: No more squad hopping in 1.3...a solution.

                      Off for matches? You dont understand most of the competive community hates this idea. No doubt alot will be leaving BF2 after 1.3


                      • #12
                        Re: No more squad hopping in 1.3...a solution.

                        Originally posted by Strega
                        I propose a solution to this no more squad hopping in 1.3

                        If I'm a squad leader, and someone in my squad captures a flag, I should get a flag capture assist point. There is no benefit to being a squad leader if you remove squad hopping. The only benefit a squad leader has now is being a spawn point. Add points for being a good leader, and I'll gladly accept this change.

                        The problem with this change, is that it's been in how long??? They are just NOW taking it out of the game??? It would be like Dynamix (when they were still around) taking skiing out of Tribes. It wasn't ever meant to be in the game, it was an accident, and a bug, yet it became a feature that set it apart from any game out there and made it one of the best FPS's ever.


                        Best solution would be to make it a server side option so it would be off for matches and on for public play.
                        The only advantage of being a squad leader for me so far was the direct communication with the commader when it comes to requests for support, and the ability to call for UAV also which you don't get as a squad member. On the other hand as a squad member you can respawn in convinient locatons.

