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canceling arty strike

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  • #16
    Re: canceling arty strike

    Originally posted by Night735
    Poeple like me with ridiculous ideas for RUINING the gameplay?????
    LOL YOU are the one that is whining!!!
    I like it the way it is period........ have a look back at what you just posted buddy. Your one of those EA/DICE haters...... who probably has over 500hours gameplay.
    Get a grip will you lmao

    Edit : infact where the h3ll did all that come from??? You never heard of sarcasm??
    Reading back on your post farty... you just blew a gasket and made a fool of yourself as far as im conserned! I mean really, read it.....
    Actually, I thought your response was hillarious. My rant was directed at the idiot who started the post...


    • #17
      Re: canceling arty strike

      Hillarious! Seriously, there's already enough of a delay due to the time it takes for the artillery to fire and then reach the target. "Uh oh...I shouldn't have launched that artillery strike... Artillery rounds! Return to your tubes IMMEDIATELY!" People like you with these ridiculous ideas for RUINING the gameplay are the reason this game has been nerfed so badly since it's release. Aren't the magical claymores that can tell the difference between friend and foe enough? Or the ridiculously overpowered AA because people were sick of getting wasted by anyone who's even halfway competent in a jet? Do I need to continue, or do you get the point? Shut up before DICE hears you and f*cks the game up even worse...
      Did you hear what he said, he said delay the time in between the ordering and the firing....say 5 seconds or something, the amount of time for the strike to land would still be the same, its not a bad idea at all....

      If he was calling something overpowered or imbalanced then I could see you calling him a noob for wanting dice to change this game again but he just mentioned a good idea no need to be an a$$hole jeez...


      • #18
        Re: canceling arty strike

        Artillary should be removed all together or nerfed to death. It doesn't do anything but ruin good fights and annoy the **** out of everybody.


        • #19
          Re: canceling arty strike

          i think itll be more entertaing while ur yelling at ur commander to abort the strike and the commander is at his control station yelling tto the artillery crew "abort missile...abort missile" and then u have hte crew trying to hit the abort button but then getting the message that the artillery piece cant be aborted..ah teh drama (btw the abort missile part is from jame bond: tomorrow never dies)


          • #20
            Re: canceling arty strike

            Originally posted by i made you
            Artillary should be removed all together or nerfed to death. It doesn't do anything but ruin good fights and annoy the **** out of everybody.
            Bf2 would be crap without arty...


            • #21
              Re: canceling arty strike

              Jeebus. What's with all the hostility?
              Just because someone comes up with an idea doesn't mean that it can be/should be/would be implemented.

              Sometimes it's just fun to yap about mechanics ideas reguardless of any hope of implementation.

              In this case, naw, I like arty as it is. You need to make damned sure you want to put that shot there before you click it. I know there's been times when I've wished I could call off a shot I placed... but honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way. When I futz up, I'll take my lumps. And TKs. And screaming grunts.


              • #22
                Re: canceling arty strike

                LOOK YOU AS COMMANDER ATTY A FLAG THE RETARDS ON YOUR TEAM RUN THE FLAG AND AND YOU GET TK'S. now wouldent it be nice to call it off. lets say a 5-10 second delay. or if your commander arrtys your area out of u ****ing him off. your squadleader or you call it off.( only if you are in the artty area.


                • #23
                  Re: canceling arty strike

                  Originally posted by Alcorr
                  Did you hear what he said, he said delay the time in between the ordering and the firing....say 5 seconds or something, the amount of time for the strike to land would still be the same, its not a bad idea at all....

                  If he was calling something overpowered or imbalanced then I could see you calling him a noob for wanting dice to change this game again but he just mentioned a good idea no need to be an a$$hole jeez...
                  Or I guess he could just look at the mini-map for that BIG RED ARTILLERY SYMBOL and then MOVE OUT OF THE WAY.


                  • #24
                    Re: canceling arty strike

                    Originally posted by pYura
                    delaying arty strike is a bad idea. deastroy your artiallery with c4 if you wan to cancel the bombing
                    Yeah, that's the only way. You'll get team vehicle damage, but the strike will be terminated. Not worth it in my book.


                    • #25
                      Re: canceling arty strike

                      Originally posted by Darthdean1600
                      LOOK YOU AS COMMANDER ATTY A FLAG THE RETARDS ON YOUR TEAM RUN THE FLAG AND AND YOU GET TK'S. now wouldent it be nice to call it off. lets say a 5-10 second delay. or if your commander arrtys your area out of u ****ing him off. your squadleader or you call it off.( only if you are in the artty area.

                      ive read this post and theres some good ideas and bad. i believe it would be nice if a squadleader can call it off, but by that point, the arty shells have fired. mabye he can call it off and only the shells fired so far land there.


                      • #26
                        Re: canceling arty strike

                        Originally posted by farty_mcrablice
                        Hillarious! Seriously, there's already enough of a delay due to the time it takes for the artillery to fire and then reach the target. "Uh oh...I shouldn't have launched that artillery strike... Artillery rounds! Return to your tubes IMMEDIATELY!" People like you with these ridiculous ideas for RUINING the gameplay are the reason this game has been nerfed so badly since it's release. Aren't the magical claymores that can tell the difference between friend and foe enough? Or the ridiculously overpowered AA because people were sick of getting wasted by anyone who's even halfway competent in a jet? Do I need to continue, or do you get the point? Shut up before DICE hears you and f*cks the game up even worse...

