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Quake 4 single player mode = FANTASTIC

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  • Quake 4 single player mode = FANTASTIC

    If you need a little break from BF2, I recommand you the Quake 4 single player mode. This is probably the best single payer FPS I have ever played. Yes I played HL-1, HL-2 and FEAR . I don't play the multi-player mode, but the single mode story line and immersion feeling is just FANTASTIC. I had never bought a Quake game before, I just bought that one based on the very good reviews for its single player mode.

    If you need a little refresh, Q4 single player mode is what you need.

  • #2
    Re: Quake 4 single player mode = FANTASTIC

    Completed it, yeah its good, don't really play the multiplayer much though, F.E.A.R. single and multiplayer pwn.


    • #3
      Re: Quake 4 single player mode = FANTASTIC

      I found i got bored with it quickly, other games took over.


      • #4
        Re: Quake 4 single player mode = FANTASTIC

        I got bored with it quickly too although i did finish it. It seems the level designers were a little bit lazy so they make you back track multiple times through the same levels. Shame on them. I rate that game as above average but dont think it came close to the over-hype it got, and still gets. I'll probably never reinstall it again.


        • #5
          Re: Quake 4 single player mode = FANTASTIC

          How does that support low end computers (I believe it uses the Unreal Game engine which supports low end computers well) better than BF2 i bet...


          • #6
            Re: Quake 4 single player mode = FANTASTIC

            Originally posted by Sir. Fullforce
            I found i got bored with it quickly, other games took over.
            Me too, I thought it was one of the most boring and unoriginal storylines ever, and I'm amazed I finished it. Glad somebody liked it, though.

            Originally posted by 4thebeavers
            How does that support low end computers (I believe it uses the Unreal Game engine which supports low end computers well) better than BF2 i bet...
            It uses a modified doom3 engine, and it handles low end comps very well.


            • #7
              Re: Quake 4 single player mode = FANTASTIC

              Would you guys recommend me DOOM 3?


              • #8
                Re: Quake 4 single player mode = FANTASTIC

                With the way you said you liked Quake4, i think you would like Doom3 just as well. To me, they were almost the same.


                • #9
                  Re: Quake 4 single player mode = FANTASTIC

                  Yeah, Quake 4 == Doom 3 Expansion Pack, essentially.


                  • #10
                    Re: Quake 4 single player mode = FANTASTIC

                    No, Doom 3 is completely different, it has a much different feel too it. People said F.E.A.R. was scary, I didn't find it scary at all even though the game was great, once you have played Doom 3 scary isn't a word in your dictionary any more. I thought Doom 3 was the scarriest game I played, but after I played that I don't find any games scary now. The sound is really good gives a good atmosphere, same for the graphics. So i rec Doom 3 its a top game I liked it better then Q4, even though not talking about multiplayer btw since I don't like D3's multiplayer. But its the same for the Doom series, they have all been great. But yeah D3 lasts longer then Q4 if you ask me.


                    • #11
                      Re: Quake 4 single player mode = FANTASTIC

                      Thanks fo the info guys. I'm about to finish Q4, so I'm wondering what should be next:

                      1- Doom 3
                      2- COD 2
                      3- GRAW

                      What would you take?


                      • #12
                        Re: Quake 4 single player mode = FANTASTIC

                        I already gave my thoughts on D3, so COD2, I have it and completed it, it doesn't last that long the singleplayer is kind of short, and I never really played the multiplayer but the singleplayer is good. GRAW is good if you have a good PC, its challenging and you use tactics, you can't just run in and shoot everyone without loosing health, you command your team etc. It's a good game.


                        • #13
                          Re: Quake 4 single player mode = FANTASTIC

                          I suggest Cod 2 or Doom 3.

                          GRAW is... meh.


                          • #14
                            Re: Quake 4 single player mode = FANTASTIC

                            Doom 3 sucks, as it's basically a glorified tech demo. I wasn't scared for a single moment playing that game, though I did mourn the loss of 50 bucks. Don't get it, go with CoD2, it's so much better. If you want to play a scary game, go play the Ravenholm level of HL2, it's much scarier than any part of doom3.


                            • #15
                              Re: Quake 4 single player mode = FANTASTIC

                              Frankly, guys, if you find any video game scary, then you are probably too young to be playing video games in the first place. Seriously.

                              *braces for the amusing flames to come*

