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My take on USI

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  • My take on USI

    Heres what I think after an afternoon of USI:


    -Fighters have no bombs but guns can damage tanks moderately and take out other planes easily with guns
    -Bombers can hold their own against fighters, but fighters still have a bit of an advantage. Running out of flares isnt a death scentance anymore
    -Bradley still has double TOW from DC which still sheds tanks (Bradley is fun to drive)
    -Tanks are faster
    -Helos are a no brainer to take out in one pass once you get the gun trained on them
    -Every gun sounds mean and LOUD as hell (MP-5 sounds like the minigun in preditor :laughing
    -Maps with more than 2 tanks!
    -Helicopter hellfires are back for the pilot
    -Unguided AT missiles
    -You can dodge seeking AA missiles
    -Guns on planes are crazy powerful again
    -BRDM Spandrel
    -Transport vehicles feel very DC.
    -Humvees with guided tows
    -Bradley reticle looks cool as hell
    -Infantry is fun
    -Bombers can drop 1 bomb at a time
    -Arty takes forever to reload and its weak as hell
    -Flags are far apart again with few choke points meaning you can battle anywhere
    -Planes reload fast
    -Tanks have Sabot, HEAT and Smoke shots
    -You can buy a BF2 server now at a resonable price and not be totally screwed if it isnt ranked !
    -Vehicle models look cool in general (Aircraft models are HUGE!!!! The A-10 is like 2 stories high lol!!)
    -BF2 scoring system intact (assists...)
    -Maps load fast
    -The return of 1000 ticket rounds!
    -No more stats padding


    -T-72 aiming reticle is WAYYYY to cluttered with crap makes it very distracting and annoying to use.
    -Bradley gun underpowered (should take 5-6 shells to destroy a humvee tops)
    -Seeking missiles remain in planes but they suck anyway which puts emphasis on guns bringing some of the skill back in dogfighting while still giving the n00bs a slim chance. (I list this as a con because I personally prefer dumbfire missiles)
    -Maps dont look that great in terms of aesthetics they're very sparse and boring but the gameplay is still there. (Road to Destruction is probably the coolest looking map. Docks would benefit greatly aestetically from a better skybox)
    -Attack helos lose rudder effectiveness shortly after taking off which means you cant orbit things like in DC. It still feels more responsive than BF2 which is a good thing.
    -"Silenced" weapons are still loud as hell.
    -Sniper rifle sucks
    -Planes fly a little wierd theyre not like BF2 or DC (plane vs plane is still balanced tho)
    -m16 is 3 round burst (not balanced with the AK-47)
    -Zooming on sniper rifles and AT is clunky
    -Mouse bug on menu screens... it would just kind of bug out for no reason
    -SU and A-10 bombs dont drop as fast as you can click (SU bombing seems slower than A-10)
    -Throttle response in aircraft is slow like BF2
    -Barbs on the nose of the SU-25 make it look like youre flying a space fighter with laser cannons or something in nosecam view
    -Most cockpit models need work (F-16 is cool)
    -73 Easting is NOT a remake (its kinda the same but not really)
    -No SCUD or long range arty
    -You cant repair by making passes on the runway but the poor throttle response makes landing your plane very vulnerable
    -No BMP-2...yet
    -No sound that lets you know a bomb has dropped which is critical for accurate bombing on the follow up
    -Original BF2 maps havent been ported which is a let down because they look so much better (73 easting and that huge brown map hog something?? are just hard on the eyes)
    -Some maps lack good landmarks for air navigation
    -Planes dont taxi well at all making repairing even more difficult. Its easier to just bail and crash it when it gets damaged and wait for a new one.
    -Support MG has a tad to much recoil when prone.
    -A-10 model is inaccurate, engines should be a lot shorter than they are in game

    This mod isnt perfect but since this is .1 a lot of the problems are forgivable and will most likely be corrected thru the releases. Its not BF2 and its NOT DC, but its as close to DC as you can get at the moment. In any case I had an ear to ear grin playing this mod the whole time.

    The bottom line:


  • #2
    Re: My take on USI

    Wow, SOMEONE's done their fair share of playing . Thanks for all the pros... and for most of the negitives I can only say that if you stop by our forums , , and comment about them your chances of getting it fixed or atleast implemented are incresed greatly.

    Once again, thanks for your comments and to see USI be taken in such a kind way from the community means alot to us.


    • #3
      Re: My take on USI

      About the planes, our great leader of the planet earth, Wolfi, has coded a taxi system on planes, you just have to land, get repaired, then you can turn around on the spot and go up again


      • #4
        Re: My take on USI

        Originally posted by PBAsydney
        About the planes, our great leader of the planet earth, Wolfi, has coded a taxi system on planes, you just have to land, get repaired, then you can turn around on the spot and go up again
        I dunno the biggest problem I had with the taxi system was taking off at the beginnig of the round. Somone was taking a jeep to the Mig when I got the bomber and they just tapped the nose of my plane crossing the runway which turned the plane about 30 degrees. It took me a good 30 seconds of going back and forth to get the thing straightened out on the runway again to take off. (It was like that scene in Austin Powers where hes stuck in the tunnel with that golf cart thing lol ). Altho I have gone back to my old DC tactic of landing in the middle of nowhere and repairing because the support kit repairs the planes so fast again (another good thing).

        All in all like I said tho the mod is great and I had a grin the whole time playing.


        • #5
          Re: My take on USI

          Originally posted by Emoticon
          I dunno the biggest problem I had with the taxi system was taking off at the beginnig of the round. Somone was taking a jeep to the Mig when I got the bomber and they just tapped the nose of my plane crossing the runway which turned the plane about 30 degrees. It took me a good 30 seconds of going back and forth to get the thing straightened out on the runway again to take off. (It was like that scene in Austin Powers where hes stuck in the tunnel with that golf cart thing lol ). Altho I have gone back to my old DC tactic of landing in the middle of nowhere and repairing because the support kit repairs the planes so fast again (another good thing).

          All in all like I said tho the mod is great and I had a grin the whole time playing.
          The taxis engine works by moving your mouse up (to go forward) and down (to go backwards). Nothing to do with throttle (W & S). That creates forward movement while on the ground. Use your rudder (A & D) to rotate on the spot then



          • #6
            Re: My take on USI

            I know how it works its just that the rudder isnt strong enough when youre on the ground. The SU has a huge turning circle on the ground. Maybe its because I use a joystick and the throttle is never really completely zeroed out to maybe allow the turning you are describing. Thank you tho I'll have to play with it more.


            • #7
              Re: My take on USI

              The only thing i dont like about this mod is that i cant seem to get it working right, i can only load 2 of the maps (oil fields and one other the name slips my mind) with out the thing crashing (closing out BF2 and going to desktop)
              its really anoying cause i really wana be able to stay in a server and see the other maps


              • #8
                Re: My take on USI

                are your video settings below medium? because that might be the issue, btw good job in crashing into that bridge..


                • #9
                  Re: My take on USI

                  (It was like that scene in Austin Powers where hes stuck in the tunnel with that golf cart thing lol ).
                  HAHAHAHHAA! (ok even if i didnt like austin powers..that was a hiliarious scene)


                  • #10
                    Re: My take on USI

                    Originally posted by autowolf
                    The only thing i dont like about this mod is that i cant seem to get it working right, i can only load 2 of the maps (oil fields and one other the name slips my mind) with out the thing crashing (closing out BF2 and going to desktop)
                    its really anoying cause i really wana be able to stay in a server and see the other maps
                    I have got exactly the same problem. i only can play Oilfields, the highway map and the docks map. and i have al my settings on medium. any1 has a solution for this?

