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Using at Hat Switch in BF2?

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  • Using at Hat Switch in BF2?

    I think it's called a Hat Switch?

    Before anyone yells at me for a post somewhere else in the forums
    I may have missed.. I searched and search using keywords "Hat Switch"
    and it returned a bunch of stuff unrelated.

    Does anyone know if there is ANY way to control you view, besides
    the mouse, in BF2?? You know how hard it is to be a righty, and hold
    the joystick with your right hand, and try to work the mouse with your left
    hand?? Not good! Although I have this great Hat Switch on top of my
    joystick, which I cannot use...

    Why can we bind every button on our joysticks, except the hat switch??

    Or is it just me that cannot use the hat switch in the game?

  • #2
    Re: Using at Hat Switch in BF2?

    just set it in the setting..where is says the views in a jet and press it in the direction you want it in :|


    • #3
      Re: Using at Hat Switch in BF2?


      Every button on my joystick Wingman Extreme 3D would configure
      except the hat switch? Has anyone been able to use the HAT
      switch in BF2 with their joystick?

      Better Yet anyone with the WE3D?

      If so, maybe I need newer JS drivers?


      I just went back into the game and controls, options, jets.. and
      since there is no option for Pan Left or Pan Right, etc... how
      would you assign the view Panning that the mouse handles to
      the HAT SWITCH on my Joystick?

      If this is possible, someone please help, because it would make
      a world of difference to me.



      • #4
        Re: Using at Hat Switch in BF2?

        Ok, do I have the solution for you:


        • #5
          Re: Using at Hat Switch in BF2?

          Looks good, Thanks Super Mod.


          • #6
            Re: Using at Hat Switch in BF2?

            I just can't believe that I didn't post my own thread sooner...I just kept posting in other people's threads...

            Ah well, live and learn


            • #7
              Re: Using at Hat Switch in BF2?

              I have a Saitek Cyborg EVO and have used the hat switch since I first got the joystick to cycle my views while flying.

              I had the Saitek USB Gold before this one and also used the hat switch to cycle my views. Same for BF1942.

              The hat switch for my joystick comes up as buttons 12, 13, 14, and 15.

              Must be something with the drivers for your joystick. The Evo uses the drivers from MS on WinXP.


              • #8
                Re: Using at Hat Switch in BF2?

                He's asking to have the hatswitch function as mouselook (or view slewing) like it does in most flight sims to look around from inside the cockpit.


                • #9
                  Re: Using at Hat Switch in BF2?

                  Originally posted by Talus
                  He's asking to have the hatswitch function as mouselook (or view slewing) like it does in most flight sims to look around from inside the cockpit.

                  Never did try any flight sims. The only time I bought a joystick was when I bought XWing-vs-TieFighter and you "had" to have a joystick to play the game.

                  Up until I started playing bf1942, I did all of my flying with mouse+kb. Now I would not go back. Todays joysticks are so much better than the old gameport connected ones. I tried a friends gameport connected joystick back back in 1995 to play a game called Descent. Did not like it and went back to mouse+kb.


                  • #10
                    Re: Using at Hat Switch in BF2?

                    Yeah, I used mouse and keyboard for Descent back in the day (due to the unusual controls)...but a JOYSTICK for everything else!

                    I can't believe that all BF games have never included mouselook support for joystick hats yet other games have and still do include that feature.

                    I'm hoping (but certainly not expecting) hat support in 2142. But seeing as how BF2142 is to BF2 as BFV was to BF1942, it ain't gonna happen

