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Paintball Mod Server

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  • Paintball Mod Server

    servername: paintball mod server

    thats the name, search for it, no IP/.

  • #2
    Re: Paintball Mod Server

    No IP? LOL


    • #3
      Re: Paintball Mod Server

      Thats funny..........Dont you know you can Paintball for Real? Would be hard to play BF2 for real, as tanks and jets are out of everyones budget...
      There is such a thing as spending too much time inside....... lol


      • #4
        Re: Paintball Mod Server

        Originally posted by
        Thats funny..........Dont you know you can Paintball for Real? Would be hard to play BF2 for real, as tanks and jets are out of everyones budget...
        There is such a thing as spending too much time inside....... lol
        Well at $50 a case for paintballs, thats out of some people's budget as well. Plus they kinda didn't like it the last time I played paintball in my neighborhood, you know, with it being a city and all.


        • #5
          Re: Paintball Mod Server

          lol would i play a paintball mod, no because i like the idea of BF2 much better and i have paintballed before however it is a little two much. But i think that is a great idea and congrats to anybody who made that. I know that i could never do that


          • #6
            Re: Paintball Mod Server

            Could somebody expain Paintball to me, plz.
            1)Is it just the last who get's marked wins?
            2)Do body parts matter?
            3)What does the canister above the gun contain?
            4)Why do paintballers have to play in the mud?
            5)There are actually no balls filled with paint?

            <edit> n/m Wikipedia FTW </edit>


            • #7
              Re: Paintball Mod Server

              Originally posted by Crampas
              Could somebody expain Paintball to me, plz.
              1)Is it just the last who get's marked wins?
              2)Do body parts matter?
              3)What does the canister above the gun contain?
              4)Why do paintballers have to play in the mud?
              5)There are actually no balls filled with paint?

              <edit> n/m Wikipedia FTW </edit>
              1. It depends on the game. Some are objective based, some are first team to eliminate the other, some are just for the fun of shooting each other.

              2. No. Any hit of the right size (direct hit and not splatter) to any body part eliminates you. The only variable is some fields count gun hits and some don't.

              3. That hold the paintballs that drop into the firing mechanism.

              4. We don't. I have actually never seen a game played in the mud before. Those that get dirty are usually playing in the woods and are diving all over the place so obviously they are going to get drity.

              5. Yes and no. A paintball is made of two hardened gelatin hemispheres (like the ones found on gel-cap pills only more brittle) that are filled with colored vegetable oil and then sealed together to form a ball. There is no real "paint" because if you got paint in your mouth, it could make you really sick and it is not enviornmentally friendly.


              • #8
                Re: Paintball Mod Server

                Originally posted by Phrag
                Well at $50 a case for paintballs, thats out of some people's budget as well. Plus they kinda didn't like it the last time I played paintball in my neighborhood, you know, with it being a city and all.
                your right, didnt stop and think before i posted, sorry.
                Cool game i encourage everyone to save the $50 bucks and go try it some time........pretty much like Phrag explained

                1. Take the fort! (Half time switch sides)
                2. Free for All!
                3. Sniper!(half time bla.)

                just one thing to add. The "Paint" tastes like crap......

                (Ahhh Forgot.., you might want to get out of the city first.....And go to a lisenced venue, you`ll have a blast!And yes anyone who can create a successful mod should get a cheer! Talented people.)


                • #9
                  Re: Paintball Mod Server

                  Paintball Server to me defeats the purpose, but then again if it was fun who cares. Maybe even use it as a training system for Xball or tourneys. Though i play more sim woods ball.

                  Heres my A5 in progress...

                  Getting a new G36 stock and front vertical grip.
                  "Thats Nasty"

                  edit: oops didnt know it was that big a pic, sry


                  • #10
                    Re: Paintball Mod Server

                    sweet gun dude


                    • #11
                      Re: Paintball Mod Server

                      Kind of on topic, if anyone is looking to start playing paintball IRL, I still have my old gear and gun that I might be willing to sell. PM me.


                      • #12
                        Re: Paintball Mod Server

                        Originally posted by HighVoltageHoser
                        Paintball Server to me defeats the purpose, but then again if it was fun who cares. Maybe even use it as a training system for Xball or tourneys. Though i play more sim woods ball.

                        Heres my A5 in progress...
                        Getting a new G36 stock and front vertical grip.
                        "Thats Nasty"

                        edit: oops didnt know it was that big a pic, sry

