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Tactical Gamer has moved servers

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  • Tactical Gamer has moved servers

    Hi everyone,

    Since I know many readers of this forum play on Tactical Gamer BF2 servers, I thought it would be pertinent to notify you about our recent server update, so nobody is left in the dark.

    We recently moved datacentres and have a new IP for our primary BF2 Server #1:

    Please use this new IP instead of the old one.

    For those who do not know, the Tactical Gamer servers primarily enforce teamwork and are as such unranked.

    A few things to keep in mind:
    • You must join a squad within 60 seconds of spawning.
    • 90% of players use in-game VOIP, so it is required that you can at least hear voice comms, but not required that you have a mic.
    • We do have certain rules for our servers, so please check them before you join.
    • We will intermittently be running maps from Euro Force and Armored Fury (upon release) in general rotation, so you will need these boosters for consistent play.
    • Thursday and Sunday nights from 8PM EDT are Tactical Mod nights, so you will need the mod to play.
    • The server is populated between 7PM - 2AM EDT during US peak times.
    Of course, this style of play is not for everyone, so this post is not intended to force it onto others, just a heads-up for people who already play on our servers who may not know that we have moved. Please feel free to ask any questions.

    This is not recruitment, nor advertising. I cleared the posting of this topic with a moderator beforehand to make sure it would not be perceived as such.

    Many thanks for everyone's time and support. See you on the battlefield


  • #2
    Re: Tactical Gamer has moved servers

    Consider this a bump and a testimonial of sorts.

    When I first bought BF2 I simply jumped on the lowest ping server i could find. For a while, it was great. Even though I was constantly getting killed in everyway possible, I enjoyed the learning process and actually stuck to playing ranked servers until I got my first unlock or two (no great feat, I admit).

    However, after a while I grew tired of the lack of cohesion on most ranked servers and I was starting to get a bit tired of the constant emphasis on point farming. In an effort to find a style of play better suited to my goals in the game (i.e. just have fun) I searched for teamplay on this very forum and ended up at TacticalGamer. Since my first day there, I can count on one hand the number of times I have played anywhere else.

    Granted, TG is not for everyone. If you are interested in ranking up, medals and unlocks, then by all means you should stick to ranked servers. On occasion there is good teamplay out there and there is no doubt an endless number of good players. However, if cooperative teamplay is more important to you than rank, unlocks and the rest come on over to TG and give it a try.

    The quality of the play and players is outstanding and the community as a whole is very welcoming (provided that you read and abide by the server rules--they are strictly enforced). Like I said, it's not for everyone, but if you give it a chance you might find yourself wondering why you played anywhere else to begin with.



    • #3
      Re: Tactical Gamer has moved servers

      I am with you on this one Kestrel. Tactical Gamer has definitely extended the lifespan and playability of this title in my library. I hope everyone takes note of the new address and don't have any problem finding the new server.



      • #4
        Re: Tactical Gamer has moved servers

        hmm one problem would be that im in the UK, it might be a bit laggy!

        this is what ive been looking for!


        • #5
          Re: Tactical Gamer has moved servers

          UK dudes ping around 130 - 150 on our server it seems. We have a small, but active, Euro contingent.. Austria, Iceland, Germany, Norway, UK.. Even Aussies like Bommando are willing to put up with higher pings than their "native" servers.

          I shouldn't "pimp" another community in a thread about the community I call home, but Dead Men Walking also run a pretty tight ship and are UK based.


          • #6
            Re: Tactical Gamer has moved servers

            As an update, TacticalGamer Server #1 now fully supports EF and AF maps. If you're tired of getting TKed before getting into a plane or vehicle, competing with your entire team to fly a little bird, or other general smacktardery and lack of teamwork, I suggest giving the server a shot.


            • #7
              Re: Tactical Gamer has moved servers

              Originally posted by Miniman
              hmm one problem would be that im in the UK, it might be a bit laggy!

              this is what ive been looking for!
              Should give it a go anyway, join the forum and ask for assistance if you have any problems.


              • #8
                Re: Tactical Gamer has moved servers

                I once got a one-round ban from TG server while playing with friends. I was at the near top of the list with 50 something points, played one round before, and joined at the same time as my friend. Then i get kicked for no apparent reason.

                I go to the forums and it turns out they kicked me "because they rotate players, and people who have been there for a while are kicked to make room for players who haven't played." Yes, i was at the top of the list and i was kicked to make room for some noob player who wanted to get in. Well why was i kicked as opposed to other people there who were in many round before me and were at the bottom of the list? Just an experience that i won't forget. The ban was for the entire round (which was 500 tickets, about 50 into the round) and just to make room. I was pretty annoyed.

                Still, TG is a great server and the most teamwork i see.


                • #9
                  Re: Tactical Gamer has moved servers

                  Originally posted by SuperTyphoon
                  I once got a one-round ban from TG server while playing with friends. I was at the near top of the list with 50 something points, played one round before, and joined at the same time as my friend. Then i get kicked for no apparent reason.

                  I go to the forums and it turns out they kicked me "because they rotate players, and people who have been there for a while are kicked to make room for players who haven't played." Yes, i was at the top of the list and i was kicked to make room for some noob player who wanted to get in. Well why was i kicked as opposed to other people there who were in many round before me and were at the bottom of the list? Just an experience that i won't forget. The ban was for the entire round (which was 500 tickets, about 50 into the round) and just to make room. I was pretty annoyed.

                  Still, TG is a great server and the most teamwork i see.
                  SuperTyphoon. It sounds like you were the victim of a Reserved Slot kick. We don't randomly rotate players. We have Supporting Members who donate a subscription fee to Tactical Gamer in order to pay for our servers. These players have the privilege of being able to join our server even when it's full.

                  Our server is considered full at 62/64 and two slots are left open for Supporting Members who would like to join. As soon as they do, the non-supporting player who has been on the server the longest gets kicked to make room. This is better than kicking someone who has just joined the server because then each time someone rejoins, they will always be the shortest playing and then get booted again. Not fun.

                  This kick is not for a whole round, you can rejoin immediately, it's just that if the server is full and you are not a Supporting Member, then you may not be able to get in straight away.

                  I'm glad you enjoy playing at Tactical Gamer, just bear in mind that we need to look after the people who pay for our servers.


                  • #10
                    Re: Tactical Gamer has moved servers

                    Originally posted by TG-Bommando
                    SuperTyphoon. It sounds like you were the victim of a Reserved Slot kick. We don't randomly rotate players. We have Supporting Members who donate a subscription fee to Tactical Gamer in order to pay for our servers. These players have the privilege of being able to join our server even when it's full.

                    Our server is considered full at 62/64 and two slots are left open for Supporting Members who would like to join. As soon as they do, the non-supporting player who has been on the server the longest gets kicked to make room. This is better than kicking someone who has just joined the server because then each time someone rejoins, they will always be the shortest playing and then get booted again. Not fun.

                    This kick is not for a whole round, you can rejoin immediately, it's just that if the server is full and you are not a Supporting Member, then you may not be able to get in straight away.

                    I'm glad you enjoy playing at Tactical Gamer, just bear in mind that we need to look after the people who pay for our servers.
                    Don't worry about that. It was just some dumb thing that happened one night. I had fun the next round and it just faded away. I'm pretty sure it was a one round kick though...

                    I see your very good point on kicking people who have played long do people who haven't can actually play without getting kicked. Guess i was just unlucky!

                    Still, this has had no impact on how i view TG and how frequently i play. I will admit it, i'm one of the ranked server guys who prefer to get unlocks, ranks and expert medals for my (usually) hard work in the game. But they get boring and annoying since there is no teamwork, and too many tankwhores and smacktards.

                    Also, i'm on a vacation computer with a 5200fx video card, and it can't handle much more than 32 player karkand servers with low ping. I would play since i love voip and communicating with players, but this computer's video is not good enough (quite sad cause it has 2 gigs and a 3400+ A64 proc).

                    This has been a very good conversation with a mature and respected person, something that doesn't happen often on these forums


                    • #11
                      Re: Tactical Gamer has moved servers

                      Would be nice to see more people that want to play the EF/AF boosters. So if you have those and like to play them, they are in regular rotation.

