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Autopatching should be in BF2

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  • Autopatching should be in BF2

    Just thought I would post my bi-anual "we need autopatching in this game already!" thread.

    Here's the thing. This isn't a game that a few people are casually playing for a while before they move onto something else. BF2 is starting to rival Counterstrike for popularity. And the popularity has maintained itself over time.

    But we are gettign to the stage where cheats are coming out, exploits are being found all the time that need fixed (this will get more common if popularity increases). I think EA/DICE should don't put in some sort of a framework were they can update everyones client and server automatically as they see fit.

    Don't get me wrong, in terms of scope and gameplay, BF2 is technically superior to anything else out there, and the built in stats are wonderful.

    But it still REALLY lags behind in terms of MENU/INTERFACE, PATCHING and POLISH. It needs a little more work.

    Nothing would please me more than firing up BF2 and logging on than seeing an eggtimer "checking for updates" maybe a few bullet points "fixed this" "fixed that gun" "removed exploit on xxx map."

    Waiting for POINT RELEASE 1.2....1.3..... it's just so .....QUAKE 2! Haven't we progressed in the last 8+ years?

    This is a new age. Internet 2.0 and what-not. Yes, I've been spoilt by Steam. But plenty of other games auto-patch without resorting to a steam-like system. Plenty of games just have a simple progress bar for patches when you click "multiplayer" in game. It's just so much easier for the user.

  • #2
    Re: Autopatching should be in BF2

    "Internet 2.0" is a buzzword; it does not exist, in no shape or form.

    Regarding the issue at hand... while I do agree that an autopdater would be great, I think that it's time better spent creating the game. I see what you're saying about usability, but isn't downloading and installing a patch sort of the same thing as doing it from within the game? (seeing as the game needs to restart anyway, right?)

    Honestly, I would much rather ask them to work on a automatic map downloader that Rainbow Six: Raven Shield had. It was awesome ... if you didn't have the map being run on the server you simply join and the game automatically downloads the map and uses it.


    • #3
      Re: Autopatching should be in BF2

      I agree with both of you. We need both automatic download functions, for maps and for patches. If patches were downloaded automatically, EA/DICE could patch the game much often with less work. Look at VALVE/Steam. Every two weeks or so, the game (cs, css, hl2) has to be updated. And this completes in just a few minutes. Although bf2 patches are bigger, this still could be possible, with enough mirrors avaliable.


      • #4
        Re: Autopatching should be in BF2

        This is sooo far in the direction of "logic" that I feel EA is just not qualified for it. Plus, the product would be too much like Steam, which works hella good.

        Just think about mod releases over a Steam-like system, etc.. Not to mention if they committed that kind of server use and bandwidth that they would then have enough to handle acct. servers themselves, instead on relying on a 3rd party (gamespy).

        Yeah, makes too much sense....


        • #5
          Re: Autopatching should be in BF2

          Autoupdateing? well with my laptop it took more than half an hour to apply the 1.22 patch, I'm serious mybe even more!!


          • #6
            Re: Autopatching should be in BF2

            ....My typical bf2 experience if I format and reload or haven't played in months...

            I load the game. I get some new bulletin on the menu saying "blah blah patch released get it now!" I can't remember what I'm patched to. I wonder what patch I currently have. I look at the top of the menu. I see a stream of numbers that don't really related to 1.1 or 1.2. I go into multiplayer. Look at the servers. I notice that there seems to be quite a few less than normal. These must be old servers. I guess I'm out of date? Close the game, google, find somewhere to get the patch. Wait, maybe in a fileplanet queue, download, install. Re-load the game. Get the same damn news bulletin "Patch 1.2 out...get it Now!" Hmm, I double clicked to install that didn't I? Yeah, I definately did. I check the version number at the top of the menu.....nope, can't tell anything from that. Maybe I got the wrong patch? Again, it's telling me to downlaod the patch. Maybe I got the old one? Close the game, go check the latest patch news. I note EA's horrible patch naming system. It's not just a simple 1.2. There are patches from scratch or from the last version. Yeah, I remember this from Counterstrike patching in 1999.....FUN! Lets play work out which is the server patch, which is client. I love shoveling through FTP directories.
            Ok, I think I'm up to date, I dunno what that message is in the menu system, it comes up no matter what. Pointless. I can go play now knowing I'm up to date and not playing on old servers!

            Maybe, just maybe, I SUCK, and I overcomplicated that. But you get the idea It's 2006. Users shouldn't have to do all that crap anymore. Gamers are more and more ordinary people, and not techy types who managed to make a boot disk for Doom or something on their home computer.

            But I'm sure EA/DICE are much too busy planning another 73 expansion packs.


            • #7
              Re: Autopatching should be in BF2

              EQ2 has an awesome autopatching software.


              • #8
                Re: Autopatching should be in BF2

                i have xfire, and it auto downloads the patch for me, i just have to install it, basically the same thing. alot of people dont want autopatching because some clans or groups want to play in older versions and not newer ones


                • #9
                  Re: Autopatching should be in BF2

                  Consitering the poor quality of EA's internally writen patches (previous to 1.22, they were all internal) I wouldn't really ask for te feature for fear of the result!

                  The last patch (and the previous one? I can't recall) were outsourced and are MUCH better. Gone is the silly HD space requirement on your SYSTEM drive that was making it such a pain for so many people to patch (many people partion their HD to reserve a small system only space to make reinstalling easier).

                  Anyway... this could be a case of "careful of what you wish for".

