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BF2 Fails to load!!!

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  • BF2 Fails to load!!!

    Right, i've moved my comp from my house to my mums today cause im doing a little work for her and i also have a WT match tonight, but when i go to load BF2, it flickers as to go into BF2 and then i just get a face full of desktop??? As anyone got any ideas??? As i say, i have a WT match tonight and need get it to work.

    F**K EA and DICE need sort there s**t out, They keep adding crap to the game, changing things and creating more problems as they do, instead of fixes the problems that need fixing, Makes me so mad the money robbing smacktards.

    ANyways, off subject but any ideas??

  • #2
    Re: BF2 Fails to load!!!

    my best guess would be uninstall and reinstall

    sorry but thats my only idea!


    • #3
      Re: BF2 Fails to load!!!

      Ah, i got it lol. Was me. I play in 1600x1200@70Hz and my mums monitor only goes upto 1200x800@60Hz, lol. Bit of a drop

      But hey, least its going


      • #4
        Re: BF2 Fails to load!!!

        good glad it works! gluck on your match


        • #5
          Re: BF2 Fails to load!!!

          Cheers mate, need it. Were playing ARMS and on dragon valley

          Im top heli pilot but that sky, good god that sky

