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Banned From Favorite Server

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  • Banned From Favorite Server

    Has anybody else been banned from their favorite server for reasons which were not true? I guess this is just the way it goes, but it is very annoying.

    I had no TK warnings during a game on my favorite "Masters of War" BF2 server, and suddenly I was booted because I had been voted out for team kills. I didn't see any vote going on, and I hadn't done any team kills. Now I can't join again. I have no idea what happened, sure I have TKed once in a while by accident, but that is it.

  • #2
    Re: Banned From Favorite Server

    i am banned from them as well long time ago as well. These cannot admin properly. The expect if you tk once, get a kill, or capture the flag wrong way you will be banned.


    • #3
      Re: Banned From Favorite Server

      go to the clans website and ask for an unban if you know them well but if not i feel bad for ya man.


      • #4
        Re: Banned From Favorite Server

        yeah you can go to there website and "try" to ge unban. But hey will come up with some excuse to not to because its too much work.


        • #5
          Re: Banned From Favorite Server

          maybe it was a mistake..if u hadnt done anything wrong..ull prob be unbanned in like 24 hrs..ive been banned for tking (not purposefully but i had a spree going) and i was unbanned ina few days


          • #6
            Re: Banned From Favorite Server

            do they have an irc channel, u could just pm the admin and say it was a mistake


            • #7
              Re: Banned From Favorite Server

              usually a kick ban only lasts 1 round. if its an admin ban, it will probably be cleared when the server patches to version 1.3 (whenever that comes out)
              "Crunch's First Officer"
              twitter: @signaprime


              • #8
                Re: Banned From Favorite Server

                I remember in BF1942 i got banned from my favorite server because someone TKed me for a plane, so I got him back and i was banned!


                • #9
                  Re: Banned From Favorite Server

                  Sounds like it may have been an auto tkpunish ban. Remember you don't need to do all the tk's in a single round. They are accumulated over as many rounds as you are connected in the one gaming session. These bans only last for a round.

                  Try rejoining again after the round finishes and that will let you know.


                  • #10
                    Re: Banned From Favorite Server

                    I got banned from my favorite dragon valley server for being too good. Annoying stuff... I know how you feel bro.


                    • #11
                      Re: Banned From Favorite Server

                      I got banned from NBK sever; ...firing into spawn or somthing like that.

                      Which was odd, because the spawn I wasn't supposed to be firing into was blatantly firing back at me. So, it's like; que'!?

                      You learn to get used to it. Besides, if they are willing to bann ya' for some pretty retarded reasons, odds are they aren't anyone you want to play with/be around.



                      • #12
                        Re: Banned From Favorite Server

                        You could always crash the server and get the banlist cleared ROFL


                        That was a j/k btw .., but have to do it before 1.3 comes out!!!!


                        • #13
                          Re: Banned From Favorite Server

                          Originally posted by signa
                          usually a kick ban only lasts 1 round. if its an admin ban, it will probably be cleared when the server patches to version 1.3 (whenever that comes out)
                          1.3 will fix the bug where the banlist is cleared. I can't remember where I read it though.


                          • #14
                            Re: Banned From Favorite Server

                            Originally posted by {WP}Paas
                            I got banned from NBK sever; ...firing into spawn or somthing like that.

                            Which was odd, because the spawn I wasn't supposed to be firing into was blatantly firing back at me. So, it's like; que'!?

                            You learn to get used to it. Besides, if they are willing to bann ya' for some pretty retarded reasons, odds are they aren't anyone you want to play with/be around.

                            Also banned from NBK (natural born killers), for being too good. Server reason was for excessive teamkilling, however didn't have even one teamkill. I'm assuming NBK servers are run by immature brats that can't stand to

