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AA Missiles

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  • AA Missiles

    Ok I'm a bit of a noob, (only a humble corporal). I have great difficulty in shooting owt down with the AA missiles. Whats the trick. Do I have to guide them myselves or do they lock on and follow the target providing the target doesn't deploy flares.


  • #2
    Re: AA Missiles

    Shoot the missiles only when you are locked. Sometiles the AA can detect the aircraft and you'll see the green rectangle, but you are not locked yet. Also when they release flares for example you will lose the lock, so don't waste your missiles, wait til the next lock.


    • #3
      Re: AA Missiles

      Also waiting for the flares to dissapear helps a lot.


      • #4
        Re: AA Missiles

        It's all about patience. Wait until the lock is achieved, then wait some more. They'll typically drop flares and once the flares dissipate and you achieve a NEW lock, then fire. Also, if the target is moving perpendicular to your position, it may help to lead them a bit so the missles don't have to turn and "catch up" to the target.

        Remember, though, even at it's best, you still only have about a 50/50 chance of hitting because of how the missles are coded.

        I find the AA vehicles much better in that you have more missles available to you. The gun, however, is pretty much worthless unless the target has already been damaged.


        • #5
          Re: AA Missiles

          lock 1 - they deploy flares, start firing the gun to scare them, lock 2 blow them out of the sky


          • #6
            Re: AA Missiles

            It helps to launch them when their going away, instead of coming towards you.

            If their heading towards you their likely to change targets and kill you.


            • #7
              Re: AA Missiles

              Cheers Fellas, that helps a lot.


              • #8
                Re: AA Missiles

                Originally posted by poisonsoul
                It helps to launch them when their going away, instead of coming towards you.

                If their heading towards you their likely to change targets and kill you.
                or if its me ill take them out with the cannon , u with bombs nd swerve out of the ay of the missile(there easy wen facin u )


                • #9
                  Re: AA Missiles

                  You can shoot your missiles as soon as you hear the begining of the first lock on signal. Ever since the last patch DICE messed the AA/A2A up so that you don't need a full lock on for your missiles to score a hit. This can be a very nasty "tactic" on unsuspecting low flying chopper pilots. Sometimes your missiles will hit even when the pilot drops his flares!


                  • #10
                    Re: AA Missiles

                    Yup true that. Everyone moaned about it. If anything rapes its those damn tanks.

                    Anyway if your fighting agood helo pilot he will use those buildings for cover. Your best bet is to wait for him turn back and go home.


                    • #11
                      Re: AA Missiles

                      I've tried and practiced long and hard with AA to get some kills. One of the things I notice is that I’m only killing noob pilots. Guys with experience from day 1 are outrunning the AA and flying back to their home to reload and get bombs to kill me if I stay there.
                      I don’t like the ranges either. I can see them, but can’t get the lock I need.
                      I’m noticing the 45 degree angle bug a lot. If you get a lock, your missile will fly 45 degrees away from the target and fly off to never never land.
                      I am getting helicopters, that's not as big of a deal. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't.

                      Originally posted by [GU]LIZARD
                      If anything rapes its those damn tanks.
                      Could you tell us what this means? Tanks are the most vulnerable pieces on the field. Good against light infantry, but not very good against C4 (why do Spec ops think it’s their job to kill themselves to kill a tank?), AT, helos, bombers, jets, ground bases missiles. Jets mostly only have to worry about other jets. This isn’t the case in real life (I know I know it's just a video game not a sim).

