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horrible side effect if take squadhopping out.

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  • horrible side effect if take squadhopping out.

    People who played bf1942, know very good that spawnraping was the biggest tacktick ingame to take flag, because it was the only way to let them stop spawning at the near flag.

    also the distance between a flag is much bigger in bf2 then in bf1942.
    so players are more prevoked to use such tackitck. because they can't go the flag and seperate(devide and conquer)
    or they must walk again (linair gamestyle to take flag: and that is all about takking flags in battlefield games)

    also the main kit would be medic again.
    So don't blame me, if you get raped more often

  • #2
    Re: horrible side effect if take squadhopping out.

    Very valid point (s) for sure, and one that i certainly overlooked. But, then again, i guess if you failed, you failed. I predict that if this spawn/squad thing is fixed to how we are all guessing it will be, i predict it will really SUCK for the first few days. However, what will eventually happen is people will start chosing weapons that will benifit the squad. In other words, if a tank is beating you down everytime, its time the squad chose AT. 4 spawners with AT will eliminate the tank fairly fast.


    • #3
      Re: horrible side effect if take squadhopping out.

      First off it's spelt "tactic."

      I believe the reason their fixing it because during tournaments it's a very popular tactic for all the team members to become squad leaders and when one dies and another living teammate needs help they drop and join their teammate's squad spawn on them and drop and become a squad leader again.


      • #4
        Re: horrible side effect if take squadhopping out.

        Originally posted by poisonsoul
        First off it's spelt "tactic."

        I believe the reason their fixing it because during tournaments it's a very popular tactic for all the team members to become squad leaders and when one dies and another living teammate needs help they drop and join their teammate's squad spawn on them and drop and become a squad leader again.
        I know the reason.

        I'm just telling you the side effect of it.

        Originally posted by HowieMandel
        Very valid point (s) for sure, and one that i certainly overlooked. But, then again, i guess if you failed, you failed. I predict that if this spawn/squad thing is fixed to how we are all guessing it will be, i predict it will really SUCK for the first few days. However, what will eventually happen is people will start chosing weapons that will benifit the squad. In other words, if a tank is beating you down everytime, its time the squad chose AT. 4 spawners with AT will eliminate the tank fairly fast.
        do you realy think that!!

        yes it would sucks, but I'm used it from bf1942, so the react against is just more spawnkilling.

        are main tacktick was take over a flag with squadcycling and squadhopping and cover some spawnpoints, but now instead will will first cover the spawnpoints and then take a flag.

        like in bf1942 and this will end with more spawnraping.


        • #5
          Re: horrible side effect if take squadhopping out.

          They're not removing squads, just the squadhopping. Form squads in the beginning of a match, and protect your squad leader(s) and you can still spawn at them...

          It just requires a change of strategy, and it's obvious that a lot of clans doesn't have the skills to adapt.

          No offense to you personally, but all this whining about taking the squadhopping out is just silly imo.


          • #6
            Re: horrible side effect if take squadhopping out.

            Originally posted by Berrern
            They're not removing squads, just the squadhopping. Form squads in the beginning of a match, and protect your squad leader(s) and you can still spawn at them...

            It just requires a change of strategy, and it's obvious that a lot of clans doesn't have the skills to adapt.

            No offense to you personally, but all this whining about taking the squadhopping out is just silly imo.
            Are you silly!
            it is easly to adept guy!!
            but read , the side effect people canne play like in bf1942 (spawnkillig all te way, because this the main tacktick)

            the only advangte is you have only extra spawn point
            example of one tacktick if they nerf squadhopping.

            Squadleader is on one side of a flag, spawnkilling. Next om him there is a medic. also spawnkilling at the other spawnpoint. this would be not near the flag but at the farest spwanpoint at a flag.

            the other 2 people will go the flag and take the close spawnpoints
            so as you see, very linair gamestyle. and very much spawnkilling.
            Also SL are more useless then you tiink guys.
            because of the freaking uav, scanner

            it will just go back to the old spawnraping festival.

            I can also say , thatl all the squadhoopers will use prevouis tacktick again, and that would be spawnraping.

