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Jet Bombing Helicopter out of sky?

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  • #16
    Re: Jet Bombing Helicopter out of sky?

    Originally posted by vets.Sarge
    You have to be a damn good shot to take out a chopper with bombs when it's flying. Although when I see a chopper capping a flag I won't have much trouble landing two bombs on it's rotors They don't notice it untill they're dead.. Unlike guns or missles.. Wich is why it's effective.

    Using jet guns against a tank isn't really a clever idea I did some testing offline by hovering an f-35b in front of vehicles and it turned out that tanks only take real damage from guns if you hit them on the 'soft spots'. APCs, on the other hand.. They go down pretty easily
    Against a skilled pilot a helo capping a flag is a sitting duck even if they use the machinegun. If all the rounds hit you live less than two seconds in the helo. It's not enough time to build momentum.


    • #17
      Re: Jet Bombing Helicopter out of sky?

      I have bombed choppers several times, when they are hovering to cap a flag, but if they are moving, it is extremely hard to do so, just put bombing mode on and take them down with your guns, simple really!


      • #18
        Re: Jet Bombing Helicopter out of sky?

        Originally posted by Kattspya
        Against a skilled pilot a helo capping a flag is a sitting duck even if they use the machinegun. If all the rounds hit you live less than two seconds in the helo. It's not enough time to build momentum.
        Yep I know but sometimes they hover above/circle the flag so they can get out of there quickly, and not to mention bombing em is 'cool'


        • #19
          Re: Jet Bombing Helicopter out of sky?

          Originally posted by vets.Sarge
          Yep I know but sometimes they hover above/circle the flag so they can get out of there quickly, and not to mention bombing em is 'cool'


          • #20
            Re: Jet Bombing Helicopter out of sky?

            If you rake the chopper with your cannon, then fire a2a just before that explosion that always happens just under the rotars at the air intakes on the helo - the missiles always hit they never miss


            • #21
              Re: Jet Bombing Helicopter out of sky?

              I havent really tried to machine gun down a TANK...from full heath...
              I have finished them off numerous times... not sure exactly how much damaged was inflicted by previous.....

              APCs stand no chance...

              Lately I am find it VERY EASY to shoot enemy choppers down...


              • #22
                Re: Jet Bombing Helicopter out of sky?

                Ive bombed a chopper or two before, but I have something much more fun to do. Fly over the us base and then when you are above fly straight up then drop your bombs, they think its all safe so they all come out and then 2 bombs fall about 15 seconds later hahaha


                • #23
                  Re: Jet Bombing Helicopter out of sky?

                  Ive done it all. the thing is. on wake the airfield is not far at all and probably right along the way after a strafe at a heli. even if its not. spin and take another go at the heli and then ur likely to be goin towards the airfield.

                  Usually i just chaingun. but if i can i try to jab in some no-lock AA missles into their side. and if im flying full speed. I probably wont kill them in 1 shot. Though its known to happen.

                  as for bombs. Ive seen and done alot of wacky ****.

                  I was prone near the one edge closest to land @ wake on the carrier near the rail. j10 comes along and is very low virtually scraping the deck. but i live and he dropped bombs just a bit to early. the first went down into the side or in the water. the second dropped right on the railing and basically stayed there swaying. but then it just disappeared and never blew cause it was virtually an inch from me.

                  Something insane ive done. I was chaingunning the chinese attack heli(which was going to repair, so easy kill ) right about the area above chinese arty.barely below it was the transport heli and i generally hold the rule. i kill whoever can bite back the worst. so i left the transport alone. I shoot 2 AA at the attack heli. 1 goes right into the transport heli and kills the pilot. sending the thing up. the other hits the attack chopper and kills. the transport guy going up right in the way so i go up to dodge, and i lagged or something and i drop my bombs. 1 hit the chopper and i get like 4 more kills. then the second bomb musta hit somewhere around the airfield flag and i get 2 more kills. Freaked me out cause i didnt even expect anyone to be in the transport heli and it was totally freak situation.

                  I join this gulf of oman server. one from my favourites. didnt even know it was moongamers. i dunno wat was goin on. but i spawn at mec base. and mec had all the flags. the bomber was just sitting there. i jump in. I go up to like 700 and im acting silly. so i divebomb straight down chaingun the turret out. and as im pulling up i drop the bombs. i got something like 22 kills from the 5 bombs. and sadly a 24 hour ban for base rape to go with it.


                  • #24
                    Re: Jet Bombing Helicopter out of sky?

                    After reading this post I tried a few things...

                    In a single round on Oman...
                    I bombed outta the sky the blackhawk 4 times, and the cobra 2 times...

                    this was in the SU-34...

                    also did a vertical bombing run on the carrier... quite amusing... if you are quick to turn and dive you can see them hit... altitude like 900-1000 feet...

