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BF2 was to be a "teamwork" game, but now ...

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  • BF2 was to be a "teamwork" game, but now ... after I tried to Ghost Recon AW demo, it's just 100 times more teamwork than bf2, unfortunatly , it's soo laggy that I have difficulty to aim.. anyway, I'll just move down the settings a bit and I should be good.

    But for all those who like teamwork, just take 20 mins to download this demo and it's just so awesome.

  • #2
    Re: BF2 was to be a "teamwork" game, but now ...

    There is a ton of teamwork involved in BF2. I think you're just playing on the wrong servers.


    • #3
      Re: BF2 was to be a "teamwork" game, but now ...

      You're playing the SINGLE PLAYER demo, the system is in place for teamwork in BF2 (an ONLINE ONLY GAME, there are no scenarios or advanced AI for singleplayer) just wait for the game to go live and play MP youll have snipers galore.

      I played GRAW demo just now, like the graphics and "realism" but its still ghost recon, annoying as hell and ugly GUI/crosshairs


      • #4
        Re: BF2 was to be a "teamwork" game, but now ...

        bf2 is 64player counter strike.


        • #5
          Re: BF2 was to be a "teamwork" game, but now ...

          Originally posted by sackynut
          bf2 is 64player counter strike.
          aye alright then


          • #6
            Re: BF2 was to be a "teamwork" game, but now ...

            Originally posted by TriggerSpasm
            aye alright then
            Even with all these systems created to enhance teamwork, fundamentally theres no need for it. Almost every kit can perform well on its own, and so can every vehicle.

            It is a 64 player CS because mostly, everyone is for his own.


            • #7
              Re: BF2 was to be a "teamwork" game, but now ...

              Good luck with the online GRAW. Its a proven fact that everyone who plays for teamwork will go to ghost recon while everybody who hates and never uses teamwork will stay with BF2 forever.


              • #8
                Re: BF2 was to be a "teamwork" game, but now ...

                Depends on server your on and who your squad leader and your commander is and even if you have a commander at all... there are alot of factors to teamwork in BF2, and I've played many games with sucessful teamwork in the past...


                • #9
                  Re: BF2 was to be a "teamwork" game, but now ...

                  I ike BF2 because I am not forced to function in a team. I use to play World of Warcraft (yes I admit it freely ) and it was great for about the first half. Then you get into these "instances" where you HAVE to group with people. If you can't fit in to one of these "guilds" then god help you, because imaging trying to coordinate a group of 5 to 40 BF2 pubbie players with about 20 times the amount of functions/actions and no VOIP on only 1 laggy server for 2 or more hours at a time (not including "travel" time and time to gather your team). It was re:cussing: ingdiculous. Let that be a lesson to you kids. MMORPGs are the life sucking devil that will cause cancer in your soul for $15 a month! :thatsbad:

                  Anyway, getting back to the point. :blabla:

                  Online games that FORCE you to act as a team have limitation as to how fun they can be. Now when BF2 is played as a team, you can mow over any pubbie. Trust me. I've seen it... alot. :dead: But I think the ability to do both makes BF2 a stronger game. Sometimes I just want to sit back and blow some guys head off over, and over, and over, and well you get the point. :nerr: Sometimes, I want to be helpful and follow some commander's orders, be more coordinated and probably gain a rank or two. :salute:


                  • #10
                    Re: BF2 was to be a "teamwork" game, but now ...

                    Join a clan, then the teamwork starts to show up.


                    • #11
                      Re: BF2 was to be a "teamwork" game, but now ...

                      I could be at the top of the score board for a round while playing solo, and not have as much fun as I would if I was on a great squad having our asses handed to us. I love the team work, especially when you're defending an area.


                      • #12
                        Re: BF2 was to be a "teamwork" game, but now ...

                        Originally posted by Forest
                        Good luck with the online GRAW. Its a proven fact that everyone who plays for teamwork will go to ghost recon while everybody who hates and never uses teamwork will stay with BF2 forever.
                        worst post ever


                        • #13
                          Re: BF2 was to be a "teamwork" game, but now ...

                          Originally posted by Forest
                          Good luck with the online GRAW. Its a proven fact that everyone who plays for teamwork will go to ghost recon while everybody who hates and never uses teamwork will stay with BF2 forever.
                          Nothing proven about it mate, I love playing sniper which most people would consider a solo role, nope i run around in the thick of it with my pistol out and my l96 for rapid shots, target goes down, job done, my squad can move on if that is your view then you are part of the "staying forever" cell arentcha?


                          • #14
                            Re: BF2 was to be a "teamwork" game, but now ...

                            dude get the 21stCW mod its organized combat its great and theres some sweet maps


                            • #15
                              Re: BF2 was to be a "teamwork" game, but now ...

                              Im just biding my time for ET:QW hopefully some good teamwork in there!

