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Random Screenshots

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  • Random Screenshots

    I know the PoTD is a little backed up, so instead of submitting these screenshots there, I'm going to share them with you guys. I found most of them pretty humourous, or at least slightly 'funny'. Feel free to share your thoughts!

    Please note that I didn't make all of these, but it's a collection of pictures taken by me and my clan. These aren't all new, and some are a few patches old (you can tell due to the lack of flags in the upper right).

    1) "BF2 - Matrix Style" - (Click)
    2) "BOOM! Roadkill!" - (Click)
    3) "Oh sh*t..." - (Click)
    4) "So when did you ship out soldier?" - (Click)
    5) "Take two soldier, and call me in the morning" - (Click)
    6) "Just hanging out..." - (Click)
    7) "I've got your nose!" - (Click)
    8) "Don't act like you're not impressed" - (Click) (Contains hinting of a sexual manner)
    9) "I'm getting there, just give me a few..." - (Part 1) (Part 2)
    10) "It's important to keep your posture straight in the Battlefield" - (Click)
    11) "You know the saying, one gunner in hand is worth two in the bush" - (Click)

    That's it for now,


  • #2
    Re: Random Screenshots

    Lol. They're very nice. Awesome graphics, im jalous


    • #3
      Re: Random Screenshots

      aww damn a hard day of fighting deserves a very nice back scratch


      • #4
        Re: Random Screenshots

        lol these are all worth POTD status, Nice!


        • #5
          Re: Random Screenshots


          close call

          extreme close call!! the funny thing is...this missile misses me!!:laugh:

          kamikazi gone wrong? lol no, just frigging lag:cry:

          oops forgot these
          "oh crap!!1" said the pilot

          hes gonna get pwnt

          he wont no wut hit him hehe

