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Where do i Shoot vehicles to make the blow up

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  • Where do i Shoot vehicles to make the blow up

    Where do i Shoot vehicles to make the blow up?

    Screenies please if you can.

  • #2
    Re: Where do i Shoot vehicles to make the blow up

    I don't know if there is a "magic spot" on vehicles, and i doubt there is. If you're referring to the m95 "explosive bullets" video, i know that one vehicle was damaged, and on one he shot a gas tank on the street (near the hotel alley on karkand). So, if you're asking about where the BEST place to shoot them, on tanks it's the tanks treads/where the turret meets the hull, and i'm not sure for copters.


    • #3
      Re: Where do i Shoot vehicles to make the blow up

      For choppers it's as close to the pilots seat as you can. I've seen random events where you take out the pilot and the helicopter explodes in the same instant instead of spinning out of control. I'm pretty sure that's not supposed to happen, but it did.


      • #4
        Re: Where do i Shoot vehicles to make the blow up

        There are one shot kills possible on various vehicles, but that's not always easy...


        • #5
          Re: Where do i Shoot vehicles to make the blow up

          Everything you wanna know.


          • #6
            Re: Where do i Shoot vehicles to make the blow up

            Endless954, man thats so cool web site, thanks a lot


            • #7
              Re: Where do i Shoot vehicles to make the blow up

              That link was very cool, thanks for those Cin and Endless.

              Are those hit points only valid with the Anti-tank kit?

              I didn't see anything on there about an easy way to tell who is you teammate and who isn't.. Sometimes thier name doesn't show up and you don't know. Are there any secrets to tell in a pinch?

