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Silent Heroes 1.1 for BF1942...

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  • Silent Heroes 1.1 for BF1942...

    ... Has been released!

    Originally posted by Zarkow
    Silentheroes 1.1

    Major Changes:
    - Recoil-driven spread for all handguns! True aim, true skill.
    - All four new boats fully implemented and added to several maps.
    - Engineer now has the ability to drop ammo-boxes. It refills bullets only.
    - Bell412, HKP11 and Westland Lynx now has fosfor-launchers to be deployed when flying into a hot LZ.
    - A LOT of textures gone over with a comb to improve performance.
    - Four new maps, SH Arena, SH Byen, SH MonoZone and Vaderon.

    Small Changes:
    - 'True Angles' is back on the armour, i.e. higher and lower max-angles for the guns as used on the real ones. This ofcourse brings back the ability to shoot oneself in the rear. Use with caution.
    - BF Server Manager should be able to see all coop-maps properly now.
    - Hiteffects for all handguns tweaked. A lot more usage of hit-decals.
    - Winter-textures improved to acctually give a blending action over distance.
    - Sounds and soundscripts have been worked on.
    - Several small tweaks and fixes.

    Please note:
    - RecoilDriven Spread is NOT easy at first, but gets easier every time you play - rewarding training to the full extent. Play a couple of times and it's eaasier to hit an opponent then in BF2...
    - Since 'True Angles' is re-implementet on armoured vehicles it's highly possible to shoot oneself. But we think everyone is ready to handle this responsibility now.

    Admin note:
    - Since 1.0b an admin is able to toggle 'Stress-darkness' via the server-settings called 'Enable Crosshair Centerpoint' in BF42 Server manager. We realise not everybody likes the feature of 'Stress-darkness', hence we leave it up to the server-owners to decide on a per server-basis.

    Included SilentHeroes maps [21]:
    - Aberdeen*
    - Engerdal*
    - Engerdal Day2*
    - Flisa*
    - Ingenmansland
    - Kongsheim*
    - LingonStigen
    - Myren*
    - Narvik*
    - SH Arena*
    - SH Bocage*
    - SH Byen*
    - SH Dalen*
    - SH Hillside
    - SH MonoZone
    - SH Rennesoy Island
    - SH Wake*
    - Skogsvag*
    - Svinesund
    - Tallskogen*
    - Vaderon

    * = Also has COOP-support!

    Included BF42-maps with COOP and Conquest-support [16]:
    - Battle of the Bulge
    - Battleaxe
    - Berlin
    - Bocage
    - El Alamein
    - Gazala
    - GuadalCanal
    - Iwo Jima
    - Kharkov
    - Kursk
    - Market Garden
    - Midway
    - Omaha Beach
    - Stalingrad
    - Tobruk
    - Wake

    Full Change-logg:

    -=[ 1.1 FINAL ]=- {Public Build: }
    - Fixed: Effects for defualt-material on 5.56x45-ammo.
    - Fixed: Map SH_Byen updated.
    - Fixed: Havsfyr updated.
    - Fixed: Map Vaderon updated.
    - Fixed: Enviromentmapping issues on Aberdeen, Engerdal, Engerdal_day2, Flisa, Ingenmansland, Kongsheim, Lingonstigen, Myren, Narvik, SH_Arena, SH_Bocage, SH_Dalen, SH_Hillside, SH_MonoZone, SH_Rennesoy_Island, SH_Wake, Skogsvag, Svinesund and Tallskogen.
    - Fixed: Enviromentmapping-settings on AK5, AK4 and AG3.
    - Fixed: Neutral flags edited for higher visibility on winter-maps.
    - Fixed: Fotboll_mal updated.
    - Fixed: A-heli M230 and XM301-damage reduced versus ships.

    -=[ 1.1 RC2 - VIP BETA ]=- {Internal Beta/VIP Patch}
    - Fixed: Tweaked light-settings on map Aberdeen.
    - Fixed: Soldier-faces now mipmapfade towards white on winter-maps too.
    - Fixed: Small hack added to most maps to allow the flawed BF Server Manager to see them for Coop.
    - Fixed: Kongsheims thumb-image alpha-fixed and mipmaps removed.
    - Fixed: Kpist m45's soundscript updated.
    - Added: Map SH_Arena.
    - Fixed: Map Vaderon updated.
    - Fixed: Passengers in Tgb5/N are now non-solid.
    - Fixed: Swedish Sisu-driver now non-solid as Norwegian counterpart.
    - Fixed: All passengers in Sisus (Swe/Nor) slightly moved to remove any clipping into the outside.
    - Fixed: Sound for Glock 17 updated.
    - Fixed: Lightmaps, loadcounter and some objectplacements on several maps.
    - Fixed: AmmoPack-throwing improved.
    - Fixed: Map SH_Arena's Coop improved.
    - Fixed: True max/min-angles on several vehicles, selfshot-ability is back.
    - Fixed: Decals lifetime increased.
    - Added: Map SH_Byen.

    -=[ 1.1 RC1 - VIP BETA ]=- {Internal Beta/VIP Release}
    - Fixed: 730+ textures streamlined. Some old ones removed, most optimized or DXT-corrected.
    - Fixed: Winter-texture for Bell412 correctly placed in winter-dir now (Oops).
    - Fixed: Red tracer for handguns instead of yellow.
    - Removed: Lightmaps for ships.
    - Fixed: Some materialcharacteristics-fixes on Visby and Stockholm.
    - Added: Animated textures on some objects.
    - Fixed: Launch-sequence, spread and angle of smokelauncher on tanks.
    - Fixed: Hit-effects for handguns.
    - Fixed: Recovery after jumping decreased for all handguns.
    - Fixed: Recoil on sniper-rifles reduced.
    - Fixed: Cull-distance for soldier on wintermaps slightly reduced.
    - Fixed: Winter-texture for soldiers now fade out to white over distance.
    - Fixed: Winter-version of several misc textures added.
    - Fixed: Improved effect for Fosfor-grenades.
    - Fixed: Damage and radius on fosfor-grenades against infantry slightly increased.
    - Removed: Exp-packs from all Engineers.
    - Added: Droppable Ammoboxes for all Engineers.
    - Added: Fosfor-launchers on HKP11, Bell412 and Westland Lynx.
    - Fixed: Recoil and deviance-mod per stance slightly altered on AG90.
    - Fixed: Several sound and soundscripts updated.
    - Fixed: K-pist m/45-sound reverted.
    - Fixed: Snopinne remade and now fully functional.
    - Fixed: Map Vaderon updated.
    - Fixed: ps860 updated.
    - Fixed: Most vBF42-maps had their coop tweaked.
    - Fixed: Soundscripts for helis reworked some.
    - Fixed: Damagesmokes placement tweaked on many vehicles.
    - Fixed: Soundscripts for cv9030/40 tweaked.
    - Fixed: Correct G36-ikon for Nor. FSK Assault.
    - Added: Custom sight for Torpedo-gunner on Hauk.
    - Added: Icons for Ammopack.
    - Fixed: Pingvin-rockets soundscripts.
    - Added: Load-images and icons for SH_MonoZone and Vaderon.
    - Added: Ammo-icon to Grsp on Tgb1111.

    -=[ 1.0i ]=- {Internal Beta Patch}
    - Fixed: SH_Radar updated.
    - Fixed: Vaderon updated.
    - Added: New sounds & scripts for hkp16, tiger, cv9030, strf9040, xa180, 57mm, 76mm.
    - Fixed: Elevation & train speed on boat akan's tweaked.
    - Fixed: Corrected MaterialID on sthlm's turret.
    - Added: WIP havsfyr.

    -=[ 1.0h ]=- {Internal Beta Patch}
    - Fixed: Higher exit location on westland lynx pilot.
    - Added: New scripts & sounds: e_FosforWhite, MBT_LAW, Tiger_M230, HKP16, 40mm_Fosfor, 5.56mm, 7.62mm, 76mm + more.
    - Fixed: Changed model on stationary MG3.
    - Fixed: SH_Monozone updated.
    - Fixed: Midway updated.
    - Added: Westland lynx to Narvik.
    - Fixed: SH_Radar updated.
    - Fixed: Changed ammo icon on NM142
    - Fixed: Corrected cannon position on cv9030 and moved camera.
    - Added: WIP Vaderon map.

    -=[ 1.0g ]=- {Internal Beta Patch}
    - Fixed: Modified recoil-driven bulletspread.
    - Fixed: Updated Midway.
    - Added: Recoil movment to 57mm akan barrels.
    - Fixed: Changed ammo icon for ksp58 & MG3 that are mounted on vehicles.
    - Added: New ammo icon for 30/40/57mm AKAN's.
    - Added: Stationary MG3.
    - Fixed: Fire effect position on strf90120.
    - Fixed: AI vehicle tweaks.
    - Fixed: Wrong colmesh with ceros on sthlm.
    - Fixed: Visby texture.
    - Fixed: tgb5, tgb5n & IFAV shares soundscripts.
    - Fixed: xa180 & xa180n shares soundscript.
    - Fixed: Removed several unused soundscripts.
    - Added: EmBra's sound & scripts. m203/hk79, hk21e, Grsp, TKSP, strb90e, 57mm akan, cv9030, gepard, leo1, leo2a4, xa180, strf9040, strf90120, strv122, tgb5, tgb20, tgb1111, mbt_law, tiger_m203, vehicle\common\40mm_fosfor, hkp16_engine, e_ForsforWhite.
    - Added: Map SH_Radar.

    -=[ 1.0f ]=- {Internal Beta Patch}
    - Fixed: Some AI template cleanup/Optimization/Fixes.
    - Fixed: Lower turning radius on Visby, Sthlm & Hauk.
    - Added: Mistral launch effect.
    - Added: Penguin launch effect.
    - Fixed: Increased radar distance for all boats.
    - Added: Radar to gunner positions on Visby, Sthlm & Skjold.
    - Added: NM142 TOW launch effect.
    - Added: NSM launch effect.
    - Added: RBS15 launch effect.
    - Fixed: Changed trail effect on boat PGM's.
    - Fixed: Strf9040 and Strf9040_ul shares soundscripts.
    - Fixed: Removed some unessesary sounds in high settings soundscripts for 30mm, 40mm AKAN, Gepard and AMOS.
    - Added: Westland Lynx wreck models, effects and vehicle icon.
    - Fixed: Various things with Westland Lynx.
    - Added: Map SH_Monozone. (Updated version)
    - Fixed: KSP58 shell ejection pos and direction.

    -=[ 1.0e ]=- {Internal Beta Patch}
    - Added: Vehicle and minimap icons for boats.
    - Fixed: Skjold's windows not showing trees.
    - Added: New Stockholm and Visby model.
    - Fixed: Increased simple change distance on boats.
    - Fixed: Torpedo damage increased.
    - Added: New effect for torpedo hits.
    - Fixed: Smoke trail on pgm's.
    - Fixed: Increased criticaldamage with 1000 on aircraft carriers.
    - Fixed: Made boats sink slower. (To prevent submerge gunners)
    - Fixed: Increased hpLostWhileCriticalDamage on all boats. (To prevent submerge gunners)
    - Fixed: Tweaked damage on PGM's vs. Boats.
    - Fixed: changed health on all boats and added 1000hp extra to buffert.
    - Fixed: Higher radar distance for all boats. Visby extra more.
    - Added: An own sound script for cannons on boats.
    - Fixed: Lowered turning speed on boat cannons.
    - Fixed: Some minor things with the boats.

    -=[ 1.0d ]=- {Internal Beta Patch}
    - Fixed: Missing texture on chus_butik_simple.
    - Fixed: Switch place on PGM icons on all boats.
    - Fixed: Moved NSM-PGM's spawnlocation forward to minimize selfhits.
    - Fixed: Tweaked smoke and fire effects positions on boats.
    - Fixed: Corrected Visby's speed.
    - Fixed: Moved around floaters on Sthlm to get it to roll less when turning.
    - Fixed: Mistral bug that caused them to do minimal damage or none.

    -=[ 1.0c ]=- {Internal Beta Patch}
    - Fixed: Teamskins on SH_Wake.
    - Fixed: Market_Garden now 1.61-safe.
    - Fixed: AG90 soundscript in medium and high settings.
    - Added: 57mm and 76mm Projectiles for the boats.
    - Added: AI for grusbro01, trebro2, trebro3.
    - Added: Structure affb_1.
    - Fixed: AG90: Shell ejection time and position.

  • #2
    Re: Silent Heroes 1.1 for BF1942...

    Great to see this superb mod' still going!

    The last version I played was outstanding, I can't remember which it was though.

    Definitely a recomended download for all the BF1942 players out there.


    • #3
      Re: Silent Heroes 1.1 for BF1942...

      Woah that looks really good for the bf1942 engine, I'm downloading this and trying it out, ty ty again.


      • #4
        Last time I played SH it was alot of fun, I just checked ASE and there isn't anyone playing. Only 4 servers up as well. Are there more players in the daytime?

