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Where oh where...

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  • #31
    Re: Where oh where...

    Originally posted by Sir. Elxx
    I'm really hoping that another trusted person takes GameWizard's spot. It would be sad to see TotalBF2 turn into yet another site run by a greedy company, a la the Gamespy network.
    I heard one of the MyIS guys saying they kicked him out because "They wanted to move on", corporate takeover anyone?


    • #32
      Re: Where oh where...

      Probably, and thats gonna be the start of this sites downfall


      • #33
        Re: Where oh where...

        Originally posted by GotheriK
        I heard one of the MyIS guys saying they kicked him out because "They wanted to move on", corporate takeover anyone?
        More like communism.


        • #34
          Re: Where oh where...

          Originally posted by exho
          More like communism.
          LOL good one, and sadly true:cry:


          • #35
            Re: Where oh where...

            Apparantly he got kicked out for no apparant reason. FPS Central 2? And if I get banned for this post, thats just silly, I used to be one of the news posters myself back in the day with El Rico!

            Vive le TBF2, Gamewiz will strike back!


            • #36
              Re: Where oh where...

              Gamewizard agreed to sell TBF2 to MyIS, then thought "what have I done" in the Obi-Wan/Yoda sense when Ani becomes eeeeeeeviiiiilll. and decided to go into exile ne'r to return.....or did he?

              Stay tuned for next weeks episode of Ah crap where did I leave my car keys

