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Some disturbing news a NEW aimbot HACK is out for BF 2

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  • Some disturbing news a NEW aimbot HACK is out for BF 2

    I found a website that has a massive list of undetectable hacks that has aimbots I am curious who I report this website too. I would like to see EA sue them the scary thing is this website has 6800 members so that means there is at least over 7000 cheaters in BF 2.

    I don't think im allowed to post the website and no way im gonna post it cause the noobs will just go there and download the hack, So who do I report these criminals too? I want them to get sued.


    I like to find these "hackers" and beat the crap out of them.

  • #2
    Re: Some disturbing news a NEW aimbot HACK is out for BF 2

    I have just had this email from regarding the aimbot hack.

    Hey everyone, I am writing to inform you all of some very ... Disturbing news. It seems like everyones \"favorite\" hack website ( http://www.**************** ) Has released a BF2 aimbot and the commander hack is back also. There is a way however to spot enemys using the aimbot. If you see a player get 3 or 4 kills in a row with a rifle/pistol, try and watch them very closely. If they are looking through walls and ammasing massive kills its most likely they are hacking. Remember, the only \"perfect\" anti cheat is having a admin present at all times. We all were ignorant for thinking that client hooks and aimbots would not touch BF2, when it has become as popular as it has. This was something that was destined to happen, so Please prepare yourself. There are movies of this aimbot out, so watch them and get familiar with them, so you know what to look for. Here are some links to the movies.


    • #3
      Re: Some disturbing news a NEW aimbot HACK is out for BF 2

      That's the same email I got but I did not want to post it cause it might get some noobs on this forum to try to download it.


      • #4
        Re: Some disturbing news a NEW aimbot HACK is out for BF 2

        Sorry... I gotta bite,
        Originally posted by Rambo_Matt[US]
        I found a website that has a massive list of undetectable hacks that has aimbots I am curious who I report this website too.
        Wow. Must been hard finding one of the most blatent and well known cheat sites on the whole 'net.
        *golf clap*
        I would like to see EA sue them the scary thing is this website has 6800 members so that means there is at least over 7000 cheaters in BF 2.
        Whoa. Logic bomb.
        Let's back that up a sec.
        There are 6800 registered users and this means there are over 7000 cheaters, hm?
        6800 < 7000
        That's really simple math.
        Oh... and "at least over" is just a horrible injustice to inflict upon english.
        I don't think im allowed to post the website and no way im gonna post it cause the noobs will just go there and download the hack, So who do I report these criminals too? I want them to get sued.
        Dude... they are so well known it's a running gag that when you see www.*********.com you know someone just tried to post a link to their site. They've been known about for a good long time too. They aren't gonna get sued any time soon.

        I like to find these "hackers" and beat the crap out of them.
        How very high and mighty of you.
        Physical violance in reaction to cheating at a game.

        Bah, I couldn't even type that with a straight face.

        These kiddies do need a good arse whippen.


        • #5
          Re: Some disturbing news a NEW aimbot HACK is out for BF 2

          I said over 7000 cause thats NOT the only "known" Cheat site there is about 3 other known ones that I have seen with more then 7000 people on it.


          • #6
            Re: Some disturbing news a NEW aimbot HACK is out for BF 2

            They wont get sued. I would bet money on that. They MAY get their website shut down, but that is the most they will get. Sure they deserve more, but justice has no meaning in the online gaming world.

            And not to mention the napster effect.


            • #7
              Re: Some disturbing news a NEW aimbot HACK is out for BF 2

              I am SICK and TIRED or reading threads about hackers and new hacks.


              Just please SHUT UP!



              • #8
                Re: Some disturbing news a NEW aimbot HACK is out for BF 2

                Originally posted by Wargimp
                Sorry... I gotta bite,

                Wow. Must been hard finding one of the most blatent and well known cheat sites on the whole 'net.
                *golf clap*

                Whoa. Logic bomb.
                Let's back that up a sec.
                There are 6800 registered users and this means there are over 7000 cheaters, hm?
                6800 < 7000
                That's really simple math.
                Oh... and "at least over" is just a horrible injustice to inflict upon english.

                Dude... they are so well known it's a running gag that when you see www.*********.com you know someone just tried to post a link to their site. They've been known about for a good long time too. They aren't gonna get sued any time soon.

                How very high and mighty of you.
                Physical violance in reaction to cheating at a game.

                Bah, I couldn't even type that with a straight face.

                These kiddies do need a good arse whippen.

                Damn man.. calm down. Its about who can correct who. The simple fact is theres a damn cheat going around. Its good for the community to be made aware any new 'cheats' not that you should just jump on here post where you can download it, but rather let them know, hey theres a cheat out there keep an eye out.

                Maybe the guy didn't know that there was 6800 cheaters in Bf2. I am willing to bit theres far more that. I mean thats just common sense, of how many ass hats there are. A simple reply would of been much nicer then jumping his gun for making the post. I mean he was trying to be helpful.

                Being sued isn't what they should be concerned about. They should be worried about who lives next door to them. Alot of these idiot cheaters feel so much power in a game they will give out there addresses. One guy gave me his **** once and he just lived a block away from me. He wouldn't come out his house when I knocked on his door. That was in another game but still. That just goes to show how many nerdy cheaters we have in this community. I mean theres alot of people in the bf2 community. A good percent of them probally go to bed and think, "Hmm what gay thing should I do next in bf2, I've done found out how to glitch into walls with a tank, I think i'll logon to google tomorow, and see what new exploits are out there". I mean come on you if you gave a community like this (not all of you, not to **** anyone off I am not saying the community in general, I should say some of the community so lets go with that, and I don't mean the tbf2 community I mean the bf2 community as a whole, and again thats only some of them) the idea that if they invented a way to make a car run off dirt, and that it would give them something else lame or new to exploit, I believe we'd have a car running off dirt. Sarcasm of course, anyway you catch me my drift I hope.


                • #9
                  Re: Some disturbing news a NEW aimbot HACK is out for BF 2

                  Originally posted by Rambo_Matt[US]
                  That's the same email I got but I did not want to post it cause it might get some noobs on this forum to try to download it.
                  I'm sure the title alone for this thread, would cause some noobs as you call them. To do a Google and look for them.


                  • #10
                    Re: Some disturbing news a NEW aimbot HACK is out for BF 2

                    Originally posted by Buzzsaw
                    I am SICK and TIRED or reading threads about hackers and new hacks.


                    Just please SHUT UP!


                    and post like this are exactly why I said the thing about the community in my post. How horrible is it that you can't just post a reply without involving a negative feedback? Each post I read some guy responds to someones topic and either flames them or is mean a gimp towards them. I don't understand, you would never tell me to shut up in real life.

                    Its not how you talk to people, unless this guy has commited a crime, or broken a forum rule why does every post have to be like this?


                    • #11
                      Re: Some disturbing news a NEW aimbot HACK is out for BF 2

                      Originally posted by [GU]LIZARD
                      Damn man.. calm down. Its about who can correct who. The simple fact is theres a damn cheat going around.
                      I know.
                      All that should be read with a not a
                      And this with a
                      Its good for the community to be made aware any new 'cheats' not that you should just jump on here post where you can download it, but rather let them know, hey theres a cheat out there keep an eye out.
                      Agreed... despite even one of my own earlier cheat vid threads being poofed. (remember the )

                      I posted one of the exact same vids as on the list posted elsewhere, but the thread got killed. I understood at the time. Freaking people out over cheating doesn't help things... nore does giving ideas to the kiddies.

                      Since it's out in the open ATM, let's take a moment to reflect on the fact that it still isn't that big a deal.

                      Let's say that the largest known cheatsite is only representitive of half the cheaters out there and pad the figure by assuming every member has bought and uses BF2 cheats.
                      That's a total of 10,500 cheaters.

                      Yikes! Big number! Scary!
                      Well, let's compair that to the total number of BF2 players. Would be nice if I had that number. Doh. Umm. Crap. Don't have it.

                      Lil help?

                      I'm betting it's large enough to make the numbe of cheaters look punny.

                      Point is, the chances of running into a cheater are much lower than you might believe or expect. Those chances are reduced when you play on well admined servers.

                      And finally... PB Screenshots catch these guys eventually. Admins can (and do) use the function in PB to take remote screen caps of from player's screens. If they're running a cheat that they can see, so can the PBSS. One of these sent to EB is enough to perma ban the player from ALL PB enabled titles.

                      Be vigilent.
                      Don't get freaked.
                      (Hmm... that applies well to world events too )


                      • #12
                        Re: Some disturbing news a NEW aimbot HACK is out for BF 2

                        I am not making a big deal about it. In all honesty I could careless. I mean it sucks that cheaters are ruining BF2, but every game I played cheats have eventually gotten in.

                        Perfect example of this would be AVP2. A game without PB was uncheatable. People tried over and over but failed horribly at it. Then someone finnally figured out how to apply the same tracking ability that the smart gun uses to other weapons as well. Shortly after that then you started seeing people with skins, as in this game skins could be applied and used at your own will. So people would make red predator skins, that would show the predators when they cloaked in a bright red. It pretty much ruined the game for alot of people.
                        At the time of it all I pretty much didn't care but it was harder and harder to trust anyone. Even your friends.. It went awhile though before someone finnaly found a cheat in it. Today theres alot being done the community for it is strong but small. People out there though are making server side mods that make kicking and rid of the ability to join any server with any skin.

                        Cheating happens in all games. Americas Army was also very good, until guess what? Cheaters rolled in and found a way around it. Of course a big portion of it was fixed, by PB and AA. It still does exist and very rarely you will see them. I don't play it anymore just because it was kind boring.

                        Anyway cheaters don't get to me, I don't like to die regardless if the guy who kills me is a cheater or is legit. Its just that FPS mentality, I hate dieing period. So you don't have to cheat to '**** me off' as someone said on another thread, you can just simple kill me. Heh you guys should hear TS when I die anyway, all I am saying is all the negative post don't need to exist. Your not one of them, but it has gotten kind of lame with the amount of people who just flame the balls off some poor unexpecting user. Some people deserve but alot do not.

                        Trust will be the only thing that will make it hard for clans and what not to play this game, cheaters as a whole won't ruin it. If anything will ruin its the amount of bugs that are wrong with the game, and lack of support. I found out yesterday that the DC team was fired 2 weeks before the BF2 release, in other words they got the models and the owner ship of it all and even shortened about 200 thousand dollars cash from these guys and then fired them, after they got what they wanted.
                        Thats what ****es me off not cheaters.

                        I can name a server right off the top of my head right now that has a guy who comes in anywhere from 2-5PM and spams racist words over and over, he doesn't play he just spams these words. I don't know why but he does it. He does it for the whole game and I guess even after I leave. Its in the insomnia365 or w/e they are called servers. The 24/7 Shaqi one.


                        • #13
                          Re: Some disturbing news a NEW aimbot HACK is out for BF 2

                          Uh-Oh they are onto me *pulls collar*

                          Lol nah Just mucking with you... I thought it would be atleast another couple of months till they can get through PB (punkbuster).


                          • #14
                            Re: Some disturbing news a NEW aimbot HACK is out for BF 2

                            A quick google search lead me to the website where you get the hack, putting the names in the videos that show off the hack isn't a great idea...

                            By the way you have to BUY the hack how damn cheeky is that


                            • #15
                              Re: Some disturbing news a NEW aimbot HACK is out for BF 2

                              I Love playing on spanish servers they cant read hacks

                              so im safe from hax4or'zors

