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Different mods are what?

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  • Different mods are what?

    Pardon my ignorance as I'm not bewildered in the BF2 mod community

    I was wondering if someone could help me setting some things straight?

    Which are the most popular mods in N. Europe, close to Sweden, and what is their overall 'style'? PPRM is realism i take it but whats different about FH2 et c...

    thankful for help!

    and yes, I'm too lazy to look everything up

  • #2
    Re: Different mods are what?

    your excused

    whilst being a little biased here, i would have to say tht in the EU area FH2 will most probably be the most anticipated mod. The majority of our members are European as are our fans (AFAIK).

    FH2 will be a realism based ww2 shooter with an emphasis on gameplay and visual quality and most importantly historical accuracy (Taranov, our researcher, is a genius ). IMO FH2 is trying to set the standard in BF2 modding and up until now have done a good job at it.

    I would have to say a close second would be POE2.

    these two mods, IMO, are the pace setters of the bf2 modding community.


    • #3
      Re: Different mods are what?

      Originally posted by jimbob
      FH2 will most probably be the most anticipated mod.
      Ok, when's delivery expected


      • #4
        Re: Different mods are what?

        Originally posted by rf8406
        Ok, when's delivery expected
        [wind blows tumbleweed by]

        haha just kidding delivery will be made when its finished.

