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Goofy things you do in Battlefield

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  • Goofy things you do in Battlefield

    What kind of goofy things do you guys do when messing around while playing any of the BF series games? (BF1942, BFV, BF2)

    For me...

    Good: Ever since BF1942, I have used the horn to play funny tunes when driving trucks/jeeps. It always entertains the folks inside.

    Evil: Pushing friendly snipers off of the roof edge by walking into them.

  • #2
    Re: Goofy things you do in Battlefield

    Good: I chase across the whole map to heal someone.

    Evil: If i dont get what i want, ammo or heal, i shoot the guy in the leg with my pistol.


    • #3
      Re: Goofy things you do in Battlefield

      Good: I love driving on two wheels. So that only the left side or the right side is touching the ground. I try to drive as far as possible without tipping it.

      Evil: If the commander refuses to give me supplies I head over to him and continually spam him and shoot around him until he gives me the supplies.


      • #4
        Re: Goofy things you do in Battlefield

        My evil thing: Weakening my humma to about 3 bars. Ramming an APC then punishing XD Haha


        • #5
          Re: Goofy things you do in Battlefield

          hmm..i can only think of back in the gulf of oman demo days...where i was just getting a feel for the game and getting laughs

          good: driving around the mec airbase honking the horn and running the occasional ppl over and having them chase me around on foot

          good: playing with "military squads" with names like "3rd infantry" and having our squad leader scream out commands and actually working like a team with supressing fire and all..but if he were one of those 6yr olds trying to sound like a general...we shot him in the back (ok thats evil)

          evil: learning to fly a full blackhawk and trying some hot stunts like barrelrolls only to haev ppl bail out over the water and me crashing into their bodies in the water seconds later


          • #6
            Re: Goofy things you do in Battlefield

            Haha. Ive done barrel rolls like that XD They all bailed out though


            • #7
              Re: Goofy things you do in Battlefield

              Good: didn't punish a mate and give him my goldstar this way.

              Evil: Fired an aa-missile on a teammates helicopter. It was fully loaded -> 5Teamkills.


              • #8
                Re: Goofy things you do in Battlefield

                Good: save friendly soldiers in combat at all costs;
                Evil: UAV on myself ^^


                • #9
                  Re: Goofy things you do in Battlefield

                  Whenever I get a gay commander I say
                  "Enemy Activity, Requesting a barrage" right on him and only him XD 1 guy actually accepted it -------> no0b


                  • #10
                    Re: Goofy things you do in Battlefield

                    Ooooh.. just thought of something really evil.

                    Mashtuur City has 2 flags all the way on the outskirts of the map.. far from the action. It takes around 5 minute just run from the flag to the main area of fighting.

                    I once capped the flag with another teammate who punished for an accidental TK earlier. To punish him back, I jumped in the nearest jeep (only one there) and honked the horn for him to jump in.

                    Once he got approx. 5 feet from the vehicle, I move forward a bit. He moved up trying to get in, probably thinking that I thought he got in and realized he didn't.

                    Anyhoo, I did this for a good 10 minutes until he was completely in the middle of nowhere. Then I drove off :laugh:

                    After having a good laugh, I turned around to pick him up but he suicided


                    • #11
                      Re: Goofy things you do in Battlefield

                      Good: Getting more kills and less deaths IAR ground pounding than the tankwhores.

                      Good: Unleashing my pkm on a medic frenzy

                      Bad: when there is no medic around to revive my kill I WANT TO KILL AGAIN DAMN YOU!!!


                      • #12
                        Re: Goofy things you do in Battlefield

                        Everything, from c4 vehicles to the air, making zombies and jumping on tanks and knifing the little eye port where they see you. All in good fun.


                        • #13
                          Re: Goofy things you do in Battlefield

                          Fall of roofs

                          Fall out my jet when typing


                          • #14
                            Re: Goofy things you do in Battlefield

                            Evil: When I was a noob I teamkilled like 50 people cause I didnt know who the enemys where noob = me


                            • #15
                              Re: Goofy things you do in Battlefield

                              Originally posted by [MyIS]Spetsnaz
                              Ooooh.. just thought of something really evil.

                              Mashtuur City has 2 flags all the way on the outskirts of the map.. far from the action. It takes around 5 minute just run from the flag to the main area of fighting.

                              I once capped the flag with another teammate who punished for an accidental TK earlier. To punish him back, I jumped in the nearest jeep (only one there) and honked the horn for him to jump in.

                              Once he got approx. 5 feet from the vehicle, I move forward a bit. He moved up trying to get in, probably thinking that I thought he got in and realized he didn't.

                              Anyhoo, I did this for a good 10 minutes until he was completely in the middle of nowhere. Then I drove off :laugh:

                              After having a good laugh, I turned around to pick him up but he suicided

