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I am loving that new reporting system.

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  • I am loving that new reporting system.

    That new bfroe. Is fantastic. After i got my original stats erased i am out to make sure that every stat padder i found is brought to justice. I've already reported 3 people from one server doing the exact same things. All were doing engineer padd in the water. So i have reported all of them. Gives me that tingly feeling inside. ya know what i mean? lol
    How many people have you guys reported so far? It is so easy now. But make sure to have screenshots. Happy reporting.

  • #2
    Re: I am loving that new reporting system.

    No offence mate, and i do support the reporting of blatent padders, but you sound as though you've got a serious case of sour grapes..


    • #3
      Re: I am loving that new reporting system.


      It's pretty retarded IMO. Blatent stat padders should be wiped now and then but this is just getting dumb.


      • #4
        Re: I am loving that new reporting system.

        None taken. But i do. I had 60 thousand points erased because of a mistake i made 55 thousand points ago. I feel that if i got erased for something in the past than these guys should get erased for what they are doing now. You get what i mean?

        ps. for those of you wondering... yes i stat padded back in the day when Cpl. rank was 10000 points. padded for about 1000 points total and i payed the consequences. I understand it was my fault, so dont give me a hard time just because of something i did in the past.
        my new name is -=Punisher1818=-. check it out, going for my WCR early. got about 146 wins for 14 losses.


        • #5
          Re: I am loving that new reporting system.

          Yeh i get just what you mean, like i said i support resetting of padders. its rough that you got busted 55000 points down the line but at least you're copping it on the chin. However, a w/l ratio like that already?? that sounds like teamswitching, which again can be counted as padding..


          • #6
            Re: I am loving that new reporting system.

            Nope, no teamswitching. I play on 1 server. 24/7 sharqi insomnia365.
            play on mec and you are 99% of the time garunteed a win. if you want wins just try
            might seem cheap but mec is fun to play on nonetheless.
            Well actually it isnt really that cheap... is it?
            It's just like normal play except you only play on one team.
            Fun stuff. i dont even helo whore. But the helo whores do **** me off. i get tked by them alot when they just shoot at random and dont even look. and they steal alot of my knife


            • #7
              Re: I am loving that new reporting system.

              What? Dude? I'm sorry to hear that, but something that happened how long ago?


              • #8
                Re: I am loving that new reporting system.

                It happened when this game first came out. Before th first patch. (i I preordered the game and i didn this a little less than a month into the game. Also when i did it was before they started announcing that they were erasing stats of statpadders. Thats why me and my friends stopped. We didnt want to get into trouble. I was kind of happy though, because my kill streak plauged my mind everywhere i played(271) so i felt guilty and now that i have a clean slate i feel much better. But it does **** me off when other players call me a noob just because i am only a staff seargant.
                I can own many of these "leet players" that judge people by their rank.
                But oh well.


                • #9
                  Re: I am loving that new reporting system.

                  Ohh ok.

                  SO they just didn't do this yesterday for something that happend 6 months ago. Got ya.

                  Yeah a kill streak that high would get attention. Mine is 31... i thought I was D4 B0mz$r!

                  I don't see much padding anymore. But I do see TK padders. 2nd accounts for TK and mayhem so that the other team can win.


                  • #10
                    Re: I am loving that new reporting system.

                    I see the engineer stat padders everywhere on sharqi. about 2 aday i see now, but i just saw those 3 there many times so i finally decided to do something.


                    • #11
                      Re: I am loving that new reporting system.

                      Sounds like you have attoned for your sins Mr punisher
                      May you continue to play fairly and properly unto this earth and into the spawnscreen.


                      • #12
                        Re: I am loving that new reporting system.

                        das right.


                        • #13
                          Re: I am loving that new reporting system.

                          I like it too. I just reported a server today that had a REALLY odd config.

                          It was ranked and everyone was using a pistol. Weird thing is that I could switch to my assault rifle and use it, only on single shot though. The GP-30 worked as well. Anyway I dropped the server info down and took a screenshot then reported it.


                          • #14
                            Re: I am loving that new reporting system.

                            I personally wouldn't care if someone is stat padding or not. Their stats are their business. If they decide to cheat their way up, that's not my business. I don't understand what all the hype about stats is and how the top 10 people on the leaderboards are glorified like Gods.


                            • #15
                              Re: I am loving that new reporting system.

                              i reported when a server clan was doing it

                              but when i come across just random ppl doing some minor padding...i just screw up their fun by running in and killing off their helpers...especially the medic. they get so mad.

