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commander score

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  • commander score

    ok, so i have all my bf2 vanilla badges (mostly basic), except for commander.

    i played as commander a few times, and got a crap score. the badge says i need 40 commander score for how does this work?

    do you only get points from killing with arty? or can you be commander and still gain points from good old infantry killing by getting into the fight instead of laying down at the airfield.

  • #2
    Re: commander score

    Ok This is pretty accurate so listen up. You get 0 points for artilary kills. If you cap flags, kill(with guns), or ammo or medic points and you team wins then they count as points, but you basic commander requires you to get 40 points before the double score. Basically the best way to get points as commander is to let your team do all the work!! just give them supplys and uav and you automatically get points. hope this helps


    • #3
      Re: commander score

      so you get points when the team uses supply crates?

      so you can get points the normal way from playing, right? if i kill someone with my own gun, i still get points, as well if i heal/resupply/repair etc?


      • #4
        Re: commander score

        your commander score is the average of your teams score at the end of the round, help your team out by watching the battle on the commander screen, giving supplies where necessary (or anticipated) and spot enemies with the mouse and uav for your team to help them win

        you should get your basic no problem..


        • #5
          Re: commander score

          I believe you still get the global points, but those points for kills don't count as commander points.


          • #6
            Re: commander score

            get on a 64 man server, get a good team and you will get lots of points after 2 times bonus (only if you win)


            • #7
              Re: commander score

              How commander score works:

              Command Score = Team score / # players currently on team (disregards negative points, from team damage, kills, and suicides, and will never go down due to team numbers changing).

              Drop a crate = 0 points
              Artillery kill = 0 Points
              Any other kill while commander = 0 points
              Any team point while commander = 0 points
              Any points earned before becoming a commander do not work either.

              For basic command find a kark server that runs a large map but has a max of like 20 slots. Get commander and wait. You need 40 before x2, so if you win you can get basic command and 80 command points.


              • #8
                Re: commander score

                i found a faq on gamefaqs that explained the commander thing.

                i joined a 64 size, 16 player karkand. got my basic there. woo, now i got all but the SF badges.


                • #9
                  Re: commander score

                  I got mine on Wake. Commanding as US. Ended the round with 148 points (after x2)


                  • #10
                    Re: commander score

                    Originally posted by ThoughtForm
                    your commander score is the average of your teams score at the end of the round, .
                    That can't be true as commander could never get top score if it was average


                    • #11
                      Re: commander score

                      Originally posted by =DEH=Ownerofall
                      get on a 64 man server, get a good team and you will get lots of points after 2 times bonus (only if you win)
                      Yeah, I got mine the first time I tried it...I played as Eng and kept fixing what the others destroyed...but more importantly, we have a really good set of players so my job was the most simple.


                      • #12
                        Re: commander score

                        Originally posted by O2zi3
                        That can't be true as commander could never get top score if it was average
                        Its then doubled if you win though


                        • #13
                          Re: commander score

                          I got my Basic Command a long time ago, well before I get myself aware of the ranking system actually. So I lost how I got that award.

                          I was awarded a few days ago, Veteran Command on 13 April 2006. If my memory serves me, I was commanding on a 64 player server the map is Warlord. As commander, you have to be very responsive and choose the right map. The reason I said good map is that some maps don't actually work well with commander function. Take for instance, I never command Mass Destruction or Surge because these 2 maps can be divided by troops into more than 1 sectors. In that case, pretty difficult to give UAV support to satisfy squads and lone wolves demands.

                          Most of the time, the most stressing issue to a Commander is to give your team (all squads + lone wolves) sufficient UAV support. Artillery and Supply are next important. But the battle which I commanded and awarded Veteran Command is not what I was intending. I meant to get the other badge Combat Action. There was no commander so I just picked up the job and out of shear incident, I got the qualifications. It was an intensive fighting battle. I recall 1 squad constantly asked for supplies and co-ordinates information via VoIP. And other squads asked for supply and artillery strike. We took the Plaza sector first. Then the TV Station. It was a very special case in the history of my Commander career. No team I met before worked so well and cohesive. After taking the TV Station, we set up a perimeter right at the middle of the map, if you ever have a real check out of the Warlord map. When you have taken control at the middle of the map, the Insurgent Forces can hardly advance. Then we pushed all the way up to the Mosque and the Insurgent Hideout. Once the Insurgent Hideout was lost, SAS can proceed to the Palace Security. It was the hotest spot as always there. In fact once Insurgent Hideout is lost, SAS can take the advantage of the West of the map and sneak in to the Palace directly. All that happened in that 45 minutes fighting. And shortly before the round was over, I was awarded the award.

                          As to the score I didn't take much notice I never knew how it was calculated. But there you go, you have to get a real good team and the team has to be very accurate in shooting and know what they are doing as well.

                          Originally posted by Domino
                          Its then doubled if you win though
                          True! Plus the fact that both sides are not really that good in getting global score. Then you will have the chance of getting top score. Happened to me only once and there were only 32 players. It was NOT the battle where I was awarded Veteran Command.


                          • #14
                            Re: commander score

                            Originally posted by O2zi3
                            That can't be true as commander could never get top score if it was average

                            Yes it can, and it does happen.

