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Hmm it's quiet hard..

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  • Hmm it's quiet hard..

    I live in Australia and they don't have any clans that make movies or do stunts for a living there all just your average we come together to pwn everyone clan. Im quiet sure Sir isn't Australian but I have never found out were they are from, so I can't join them because I would have huge ping problems. Making movies by myself is not fun well it was but now I can't think of anything to do that will only take one person to do it. I have my brother but he's a noob and he will just screw it up instead of helping me.

    Does anyone know of any Australians that make movies with a group of people or anything? I really want to make movies but I don't know what of because of the limited amount of people who can help me make them.

    So anyone Aussie that makes movies or anything to do with movie making?

  • #2
    Re: Hmm it's quiet hard..

    You can still make great movies without any outsider assistance. I made the entire RazzamatazZ movie just by myself and one collected Bfrecorder footage from a gaming night.
    Of course the limitations of acting by yourself and / or with bots is quite restricting. However, you can still make some amazing things if you know what and where to shoot.
    The razzamatazz was my practice piece, so i can only suggest that if you can't get a crew with Sir. (which is extremely unlikely btw without some good words) then get hold of random server footage / join in Sir activities or lookout for threads that "need a filming crew" and take some notes! (not literally )
    But, you can really help out the sir. community right now!
    and more than you think...

    Go here to grab some footage, look at the content, and get practising with that editing!
    Just remember if you plan on releasing anything from the sir. server, follow the simple rules and address the actors / server / website and server host.
    All info on the Sir. Wiki:

    Good luck.


    • #3
      Re: Hmm it's quiet hard..

      Thanks Xalias!
      I was on the Sir server before but got kicked because I was pingin at 260 (Live in Australia) So it's not going to be easy participating with them.
      I'm going to look at that footgae now.


      • #4
        Re: Hmm it's quiet hard..

        Mate , i think anyone in Australia ( Including me ) would love to join a stunt clan. Make your own and invite your amtes and you could become a really succesful clan.

        Good luck.


        • #5
          Re: Hmm it's quiet hard..

          Only got 2 friends who have played BF2 and one doesn't play anymore and the other just plays it for 5 mins and then goes on MSN or something and tells me how **** it is.

          I could create my own stunt clan but I wouldn't have a clue on how to make forums for the clan or anything like that, it would be hard for us to communicate without one. I know my brother would probally join me but being a noob to the whole movie making scene it's probally a bit early to start making a clan, if you know what I mean.

          Im gonna go solo for a while and maybe just run around with a Tag in front on my name like [Film] or something so people recognise and ask me why I have that and then I can explain to them that I am making movies and maybe get some more support or something.

          Add me on Xfire.
          Xfire name: BlackCougar (Same as my ingame name)

          Btw were in Aus do you live?
          I play on Internode QLD servers practically all the time, if I am not playing on them I will be on the (Inf) server or a 32player one somewhere within the Node servers.

          Just realised your profile says Sydney, so you still would get a good ping in QLD servers, should come play with me one day. :P


          • #6
            Re: Hmm it's quiet hard..

            um, thats what she said...

            lol ur title!


            • #7
              Re: Hmm it's quiet hard..

              Wdf are you talking about?


              • #8
                Re: Hmm it's quiet hard..

                That was rather pointless tbh. Ok well i might come around and join you but i suggest you try to make friedns or your know internet friends lol.

                I started off in Bf2 with no friends but ive managed to become friends with 25 + people on Gamerarena , just communicate well and be friendly and you might gain a friendship , a forum and a clan .

                I will come and see you soon on internode GLD mate.

