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What's your longest BF2 gaming session?

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  • What's your longest BF2 gaming session?

    Apologies if this question has been asked before but i'm curious to know how long people play for.
    It doesn't matter which game i play online but after about 3 hours my eyes start blurring over and my hearing goes awol.

  • #2
    Re: What's your longest BF2 gaming session?

    I played for 7 hours yesterday, 2 matches on High Points servers that lasted about 50 minutes each.


    • #3
      Re: What's your longest BF2 gaming session?

      Originally posted by Valleys_Commando
      Apologies if this question has been asked before but i'm curious to know how long people play for.
      It doesn't matter which game i play online but after about 3 hours my eyes start blurring over and my hearing goes awol.
      Longest session of playing? or Longest game?

      Longest session, well, on a Saturday, got up at 10am started playing, didn't stop til near midnight! 14 hours I guess.

      Longest match was on Kubra Damn, took 2.5 hours. Scored over 200 points.


      • #4
        Re: What's your longest BF2 gaming session?

        2 hours jeez that must be fun especially if you're in jet or chopper. Mine was the day after i got the game on Boxing Day i played for about 7 hours straight, my Mum kept calling me unsociable, but what did she expect, a shiny new laptop and the best game ive played to date..... Longest round probably about 40 mins I don't know to be honest.


        • #5
          Re: What's your longest BF2 gaming session?

          Hmm about 7 hours straight ?


          • #6
            Re: What's your longest BF2 gaming session?

            Holy Moly, i cant last more than an hour before my arse gets sore and im bored.


            • #7
              Re: What's your longest BF2 gaming session?

              Yeah my laptop was nearly on fire after 7 hours straight lol


              • #8
                Re: What's your longest BF2 gaming session?

                Originally posted by Valleys_Commando
                Apologies if this question has been asked before but i'm curious to know how long people play for.
                It doesn't matter which game i play online but after about 3 hours my eyes start blurring over and my hearing goes awol.
                Chances are that your eyes are going blury because your monitors refresh rate is very low (if its a CRT) if you have a flatscreen then ignore this!

                You can check your monitors refresh rate usualy in the menu for the monitor (using the buttons on the monitor) you'll be looking for something like 60Hz or 70hz

                If you can turn that value up to about 85Hz + then your eyes wont take as much of a beating from looking at your monitor, you can do this by right clicking on your desktop and selecting properties, then the settings tab, then advanced, then in the new window selecting the monitor tab.

                Be warned though, your monitors maximum refresh rate is dependent on what resolution you're using, as you turn the resolution up you wont be able to use refresh rates as high.

                Im using 85Hz @ 1920x1440 resolution for my desktop, when I play games in 1600 1200 i tend to aim for about 120Hz refresh rate. Longest I've played for is about 14 hours, that was a BFE game of DOD for the origional HL.


                • #9
                  Re: What's your longest BF2 gaming session?

                  When I used to play age of empires 2:the conquerors, online at I played for 16 hours straight, I ate on the pc and everything, of course I don't do this anymore but I remember that a match could last 3-4 hours, so fun.


                  • #10
                    Re: What's your longest BF2 gaming session?

                    When we evacuated for Hurricane Katrina I stayed at my sisters house. Brought my computer with me and played BF2 10-15 hours per day for two weeks straight. It was too depressing to watch the news and there was noting else to do.


                    • #11
                      Re: What's your longest BF2 gaming session?

                      BF prolly 2-3 hours
                      Other game: EQ for probably... well all day long.


                      • #12
                        Re: What's your longest BF2 gaming session?

                        hmm.. nearly 14h.


                        • #13
                          Re: What's your longest BF2 gaming session?

                          almost 5 hours.


                          • #14
                            Re: What's your longest BF2 gaming session?

                            8 hours...I was so sick of gaming I felt like I was going to throw up.


                            • #15
                              Re: What's your longest BF2 gaming session?

                              I do about 3 hours and am good for the day. Usually there are chores to do, wife to take care of, classes to go to etc.

                              10 years ago, 24-36 hour sessions were common, just needed coffee and lots of cooking before it starts.

