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so i went stat padding the other night

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  • so i went stat padding the other night

    with bots of course

    so anyone play single player much?
    im not able to for the time being so i mostly fool around with the weapons and junk

    but if any others out there would like to know how to change some single player settings heres how to do a few

    the key command for settings is aiSettings.overrideMenuSettings 1

    [b]scoreManager.setDeath 0
    scoreManager.setKill 10
    scoreManager.setAssistKill 5
    scoreManager.setInDirectKill 5
    scoreManager.setTk 100
    scoreManager.setHeal 100
    scoreManager.setSoldierRevive 200
    scoreManager.setRepair 500
    scoreManager.setVehicleRevive 500
    scoreManager.setAmmo 500
    scoreManager.setFlagCapture 100
    scoreManager.setFlagReturn 100
    scoreManager.setControlPointCapture 100
    scoreManager.setObjective 100
    scoreManager.setDriverPassenger 500
    The below ones are in percent
    scoreManager.setTeamDamageLimit 50
    scoreManager.setTeamVehicleDamageLimit 50[/b]
    [i]scoreManager.setHealScoreLimit 100
    scoreManager.setRepairScoreLimit 100
    scoreManager.setAmmoScoreLimit 100[i]
    sv.soldierFriendlyFire 100
    sv.vehicleFriendlyFire 100
    sv.soldierSplashFriendlyFire 100
    sv.vehicleSplashFriendlyFire 100
    sv.ticketRatio 500
    these are just a few of what you can change in single player, just open up the default server text file to see a list of possible commands you can use

    the ones in bold i havent gotten to work, ill play around with it some more tonight, and see what i can find
    the ones in italics are ones ive gotten to work for scores

    if anyone else knows some others speak up!! bots get boring sometimes, i want to find new stuff to do

    laters its time to go home

  • #2
    Re: so i went stat padding the other night

    I was amazed, stupid post, edited.


    • #3
      Re: so i went stat padding the other night

      Where are the mods :cry:


      • #4
        Re: so i went stat padding the other night, if you guys took the time to even read his text, you would note the box below with exactly your answer.

