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Does BF2 run on a ATI mobility Radeon X1400 256MB

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  • Does BF2 run on a ATI mobility Radeon X1400 256MB

    In the near future I want to buy a notebook, in the first place for school but I like BF2 and moving out of the house next year I want to have something to play. So I saw a notebook with the ATI mobility Radeon X1400 and I thought that this was a good graphic card but it does not stand in the list of graphic cards on thhis site so....Can anyone help me

  • #2
    Re: Does BF2 run on a ATI mobility Radeon X1400 256MB

    I don't see why it wouldn't, I think the cards that were listed were the minimum requirements of what would run BF2.

    I have a X800 mobility in my notebook, and it handles BF2 decenlty. I would like to upgrade my vid card soon, but I can't find any place that sells video cards for notebooks. Which is pretty stupid, because the reason I bought this notebook is that its a desktop replacement and almost completely upgradeable. So if anyone knows of where I could by one, please let me know. I searched ebay, but most of those cards are for the dell xps only.


    • #3
      Re: Does BF2 run on a ATI mobility Radeon X1400 256MB

      Originally posted by sonnilon
      I don't see why it wouldn't, I think the cards that were listed were the minimum requirements of what would run BF2.

      I have a X800 mobility in my notebook, and it handles BF2 decenlty. I would like to upgrade my vid card soon, but I can't find any place that sells video cards for notebooks. Which is pretty stupid, because the reason I bought this notebook is that its a desktop replacement and almost completely upgradeable. So if anyone knows of where I could by one, please let me know. I searched ebay, but most of those cards are for the dell xps only.
      You cant usually upgrade your laptop graphics card because it is attached to the motherboard. In the newer laptops, or laptops made for gaming you can though, I dont know how old your laptop is or what brand so I cant really help you much. But odds are you cannot change your graphics.


      • #4
        Re: Does BF2 run on a ATI mobility Radeon X1400 256MB

        that's why I won't buy a laptop for gaming... it's almost impossible to upgrade without either major modifications or a ton of cash.


        • #5
          Re: Does BF2 run on a ATI mobility Radeon X1400 256MB

          Yea I forgot to mention what type of notebook. I have a Widow PC Sting 917... which is basically the same as an Alienware 51 m7700 or Clevo D900t (which is the manufacturer of both).

          Heres the link:

          I know the vid card is not connected to the motherboard, unlike older laptops, as I have removed it myself a few times. Plus on the description page it states:

          "Fully Upgradeable Gaming Laptop

          In addition to being the most powerful gaming laptop, the Sting 917 is also the most upgradeable gaming laptop currently on the market. Everything on the laptop excluding the motherboard and chipset is able to be upgradeable with ease. Special underside access panels allow the memory, video card and battery to upgraded more easily than a desktop. The hard drives and optical drives snap in and out like Legos Even the processor is upgradeable. So, say good riddance to the days when the only way to upgrade your laptop was to buy a new one."

          If it is so upgradable why wouldn't they make the parts more available to consumers? I would much rather install the vid card myslef than to have to pay extra for shipping and handling, plus service fees. I'm sure the card itself costs enough as it is.

