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A question about clans

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  • A question about clans

    Hey fellas I was wondering what is with this CLAN thing. How does it work and what is the benefit of it. Does joining a clan means that your clan members have to be on the same server caus people play BF2 at different times so it is difficult to play at the same server at the same time.

  • #2
    Re: A question about clans

    uh.. clan.... best definition i can give you is just a community or group of players that just combine their teamwork efforts to play a game and have fun..

    there isnt really any "benefit" for joining a clan becasue all you do is play with designated people.

    you can go to competetive play if you wanted to though. in joining a clan, if it is a clan really dedicated, then they will want you online for the majority of your time playing on their servers or scrimming with them but its usually not mandatory since they cant physically force you to play on the clan server or in a scrim.. obviously.

    and yes, it is difficult to get a good number of people in your clan playing at one time. organization is required for a clan to work, otherwise it will just fall apart slowly once members begin to leave, etc etc.

    the thing is though, you should look for a clan in your physical location because depending on where the clans server will be, your ping may be either crappy, or good.


    • #3
      Re: A question about clans

      dude its just like a club.

      if your in a clan they plan on days to take on other clans. its just a way to play with a bunch of people cooperativly, instead of pub play

      all clans are different. some are laid back and have matches with other clans sparingly. others are hardcore team players


      • #4
        Re: A question about clans


        A clan is a group of people who play together either in competiton or for fun.

        There are heaps of different clans out there. Some take playing games more serisouy than others. Some clans are just for fun.

        My clan for example, has regular practise servers booked, and regular competition games. Each new member can either apply or be asked to join. There is a ranking system within the clan. The new guys are recruits, then they can work their way up (when positions are availble) if they wish to change their roles.

        We created detail strategies for competition matches, and practise them, and then review them after the game.

        I think the whole point to a clan is basically to get another aspect of enjoyment from BF2. This being: strategy and execution. After joining my clan (after being asked) I realised how muchg more enjoyable this game can be. It gave matches a greater purpose, rather than running around on public servers all the time.

        Also, I have met some great people, and had a lot of fun doing it.

        I suppose the best thing about clans is the competitive element, that is brought to the game when your clan enters a ladder.

        I'm sure other people will add to this, but this should hopefully explain things a bit.

        Also, before you rush off and join a clan, look around and don't join the first one you see, or the first one that will let you in. Assess what sort of environment you would like to play in (ie how serisously you would like to win games vs fun factor). Also the other people in the clan is what makes a clan. Team work is important and communication is vital (almost in every case a clan will use a program like teamspeak or ventrillo to communicate while in-game because the voip system that bf2 offers isn't the best).

        -Matt (ps to everyone in forums sorry about my last post which got sin binned, I will think before posting again.)

        EDIT: lol you have to be quick to be first.


        • #5
          Re: A question about clans

          The definitions posted so far as right on the money. For the most part a clan is a group of friends that share a common interest in one or more games. You play whenever you can I would guess. The group looks for like-minded gamers to join and help with setting up matches, posting in forums, etc. It's a club, nothing more.
          Also most clans consist of people that live in different time zones, so you try your best to make time to spend gaming. Impossible for some people to all be online at once, obviously.

