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Why did my puter...

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  • Why did my puter...

    freak out the other mornning @ me?

    I didn't do anything out of the ordinary the other night and when I turned it on the following mornning it would not boot. I realized what the problem was the moment I saw the memory scan running - that being a BIOS problem but I didn't expect what I saw.

    Basically everything in my BIOS was set to the opposite of what it was before or to the lowest values possible. Surely enough a quick defualt load and tweaking of the settings and 10 mins later presto its running just as good or even faster than before again but...

    The question remains, why/how did that happen? I thought maybe it was the battery but its only a year old and its always plugged in so it can't be plus it hasn't done it again yet..

    Ne1 think they knows?

  • #2
    Re: Why did my puter...

    Probably just a random BIOS bug.


    • #3
      Re: Why did my puter...

      Ya my old A8N-32 used to occasionally decide not to post for no apparent reason. Once the CMOS was cleared it was always fine again. Nothing to worry about unless it makes a habit of doing it.


      • #4
        Re: Why did my puter...

        Funny it happened again today.


        • #5
          Re: Why did my puter...

          Run memtest86 and see whether it passes okay. Is it overclocked?


          • #6
            Re: Why did my puter...

            Originally posted by Alex98uk View Post
            Run memtest86 and see whether it passes okay. Is it overclocked?
            yea but its been overclocked for a long time.


            • #7
              Re: Why did my puter...

              Then a component may be starting to go. If it's a high overclock (high vcore), possibly electromigration

