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Busted Analog: Are We Being Listened to?

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  • Busted Analog: Are We Being Listened to?

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    In the latest entry in TGN's editorial series From the Editors' Desks, Dairuka details his position in the gaming industry and assures us that developers are listening to the feedback gamers give. Check it out:
    Most of my Busted Analog editorials usually delve deep into the wasteland that has become gaming, merely to point out the glaring flaws that crack and seep into what used to be an impenetrable industry.

    Today’s article will be different.

    I’ve been given a wealth of insight during the past few months, simply because I’ve been given the opportunity to converse with a large group of developers from two different major developing and publishing companies.

    This attention comes after decades of screaming at the top of my lungs, desperate for any semblance of interest from an important figurehead that may (or may not) take my ideas for genius or insanity. Continue Reading...

    We've all felt at one point that our questions and concerns simply go unnoticed by the developers, so take some time to read up and then discuss the editorial by posting your own opinions on this subject either in this thread or in the blog.

    -- Busted Analog is an editorial series meant to ventilate some of the more frustrating aspects of gaming, or to just poke fun at games. Whether it's a problem with publishers, developers, gamers or the games themselves, you can be sure to read about it here in the weekly to monthly updates. Just remember that the opinions you read here are the author's alone, and they are not representative of the entire Total Gaming Network.