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Doug L. Faces the Firing Squad

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  • Doug L. Faces the Firing Squad

    Valve's own Doug Lombardi recently sat down with the crew at Firing Squad to shoot the breeze and answer a few questions. There were a number of topics hit in this discussion including Episode 1, the Game Developer's Conference, and a future next-gen console title.
    FiringSquad: Where does Valve see PC games going, especially with things like physics cards and Windows Vista/DirectX10 on the horizon?

    Doug Lombardi: The PC games business has never been more interesting. The transition to the next generation consoles is taking a bit longer than everyone expected, and leaving a crater in the industry's revenue projections. Meanwhile, the graphics and processing power available on the PC today already rivals what's to come on those consoles, and the online business models for PC gaming is already light years ahead of the consoles with services such as Steam and money-printing phenomena such as World of WarCraft and Lineage.
    That's just a small sample of the multiple page interview.