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CS 1.0 Feature

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  • CS 1.0 Feature

    Those bizzyblaster's over at VoodooExtreme have slapped up a rant, err, review, err.. feature about CS 1.0. Here's a quote:
    I’ve never been a believer in the "graphics over gameplay" ideal that a lot of other gamers seem to put stock into. For me, if it’s text based but it gets my juices flowing, then sleeping and breathing suddenly become unimportant. I can happily report that for the past seven beta versions Counter Strike has continued to fuel my fire of my addiction and now, has outgrown it’s beta incarnations and transformed itself into a full blown boxed retail product. Hurrah! Boxed retail product? So wait… Now that the CS team realised they can cash in on Counter Strike’s online success they’re going to make us all pay to play their game? While this may seem like the selfish thing to do, you’ll be glad to know that the game will always be free to download from the CS website ( Just in case you’re a modem user, or just want to give back to the guys who gave you so much enjoyment, the boxed copy will set you back a measly 30 bucks.
    Hi apache.