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CS Article

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  • CS Article

    Over at AdrenalineGamer, they have an article on art in CS.. pretty um, philosophical.. yeah!

  • #2
    CS Article

    ActionTrip (They're in your face, look at their logo! a middle finger! Oh my!) has posted a new Counter-Strike featurette. It's really a big overview, which means it's not really top-notch reading, as it just repeats what the game we all play is about. Here's a little copy and paste:
    Finally, there is one other aspect of CS that separates it from the competition --- the use of resources (money), and the RPG elements. When talking about such things in team play shooters, it's almost inevitable to reflect on Team Fortress. I can't wait to explore all the neat stuff that Valve's crammed into TF2, once the game is finally out… Until such time, besides TF 1.5, Counter-Strike is the most popular game in the "genre" to offer such variety of weapons, which generate totally different gameplay styles, thus creating RPG elements - classes. And I'm not referring to the roles of terrorists, and counter-terrorists, rather the roles of leaders, snipers, and commandos. I'd have to say that Team Fortress has Counter-Strike beat, as far as the RPG part. Still, it's obvious that Counter-Strike has loads of space left for improvement in that department. Skill levels (weapons maintenance, panic factor - calculated by one's accuracy in heavy fighting), allocation of skill points, more defined classes, and so on…


    • #3
      CS Article

      In a reading mood? MOD Mapper has written an article on the history of CS.
      The most incredibly annoying thing about Counter-Strike now is the incredibly immature, rude, insulting and completely brain dead people that play it. Join a Half-Life Death Match server and for the most part, people are polite, kind and just there to have fun. Join a Counter-Strike server and people are fighting about the stupidest things, swearing their heads off, insulting clans or other players, and are generally un-happy people. Even worse is since the addition of the text that claims "Mr. X killed Mr.Y with Head Shot" even if you shoot someone in the foot, everyone is claiming that you are cheating! I mean come on people!!! Type kill in the console and you kill yourself "with Headshot". Gimmie a break! The entire CS community (save maybe 3 or 4 people) are completely retarded, immature, whiny little babies
      It's kind of stupid on that he probably grouped himself into the "mature" category, especially with this type of content in the article. I also enjoy this:
      The whole CS comunity seemed to shun anything different or new and cling like shit to my cat to levels that were so over played I could kill 4 people in a row with my eyes closed! (believe me I tried this)
      As if he was the only one true to this opinion and everyone else is just flowing with the mainstream. I especially enjoy the part about his skills, can't get away with another ego boost.
      Who wants to join a server where as soon as you kill 3 people you're kicked because you're a cheater who uses Aim bots and any other hokey shit that people dream up to make themselves feel better. THERE ARE NO AIM BOTS FOR CS ANDANY CHEATS THAT YOU COULD USE END UP MAKING YOU PLAY WORSE!!!!!
      Learn your facts and join a clan. I don't disagree with everything he says, just those long-winded tirades about how he is so good and the community sucks.


      • #4
        CS Article

        ActionTrip has written an article titled "CS From a Soldier's Perspective". It talks about CS' addictiveness and even talks some strategy (although they are kind of lame).
        CS lets you experiment, or sometimes confides you to coping (if you don't have the cash for your favorite weapon) with what you can afford. There were numerous actions I finished with the H&K MP5 Navy, although I usually fought with Steyr AUG, or the H&K AVG sniper rifle (isn't that the G3/SG-1 Sniper Rifle?), if counter-terrorist (article written before CS v1.0 was released - Ed).
        The article subjects around the guns too much, with the author complaining about one or boasting another, he kept on comparing the para to a real machine gun, which was kinda weird, otherwise I would recommend you to read the whole article.

        Like asspennies said in his 3 part rant, I'm glad CS is in the "mainstream" now. I recently read an article in PC-Gamer about "introducing Counter-Strike" and that was during BETA 6.8 or so, it contained stuff like "this MOD needs all the support it can get" while CS had more players than Q3 and UT combined at the said time (and I think it still does). Oh and in their latest issue, PC-Gamer has dedicated 2 pages to FireArms, on how it was taking up all the staff members' time, but they must be hardcore, they work at a magazine!@!


        • #5
          CS Article

          In the June issue of Computer Gaming World, Mr. Jeff Gr33n (hey, it was printed like that) has written a page's worth concerning his first experiences playing Counter-Strike and dealing with the newbies who taunt and flame all, because frankly, when you've got a new Compaq and a free year of AOL, nothing can stop you.

          X3|DuctTapeMessiah was kind enough to scan in the article.

          Comments are down pending a future Crossfire article.

