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DaveJ interview

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  • DaveJ interview

    Everyone's favorite mapping porn star, DaveJ, has been interviewed over at The Rusher's. Here's what the maker of cs_tire and de_dust has to say:
    Vulcan : Could you tell us something about de_cobble, e.g. is it based on de_dust or how big is it going to be ?

    DaveJ : de_cobble is what I hope to be a successful followup to Dust. It follows a similar layout and architectural style, with also similar flow. There will be parts that everyone will recognise, such as the trademark hallway in the centre of the map which should provide some interesting opportunities!

    At the moment it's about the same size as Dust,and should remain so.
    Catch the whole interview right here.

  • #2
    DaveJ interview

    Our newest feature guru, Damarr, has whipped out a DaveJ interview. It should also be noted that Damarr has a sick fetish for cereal, here's a quickie:
    Damarr: Are you currently a professional map designer, or did you make de_dust when you should have being doing the dishes?

    DaveJ: I did de_dust when I should have been revising I am currently doing some contractual map work, which I'll be able to reveal more details about in the future. I don't really have time to be a pro designer since I'm still studying at Sixth Form (college), and there aren't any decent companies in my area that I know of.
    (plz all sites link to us, we r need hits) thx


    • #3
      DaveJ interview

      Shirow from has interviewed Counter-Strike mapper DaveJ. Here's a snip:
      Q: If you could get a job with any gaming company, who would it be, and which game would you like to work on?

      A: Do you REALLY need me to answer that question? Most definetely Valve with Team Fortress II... or if not, I imagine working on the new Doom game could be a lot of fun. Well, any game with a team of very talented individuals really
      Read the whole interview here.


      • #4
        DaveJ interview

        DavidJ (or as you groupies call him - DaveJ) has been interviewed at
        Starkard: You are the designer of a map from a game that is one of the most played games of the world and that is now available in the game-shops. How do you feel yourself? What do you think about CS is for sell now?

        DaveJ: I've said this before, but I don't believe it. I'll only believe it when I see CS in shops... unfortunately, here in the UK, it is only available by mail-order. I'll never be able to see a game I am very proud of be sold in the shops among others.
        Yes, I felt the same way when I published Barbie: Dress Maker eXtreme.


        • #5
          DaveJ interview

          DaveJ, the mapper of de_dust and de_cbble has been interviewed over at The Forge. Here's a snip
          Slayer: Have you had any job offers from any gaming companies?

          DaveJ: Quite a few, yeah!
          Clicky clicky!


          • #6
            DaveJ interview

            DaveJ, the famed CS mapper (de_dust, de_cbble) with an 8-letter affliction, got jiggy in an interview with the folks over at Planet Half-Life. Take a bite:
            Planet Half-Life: What elements of de_dust are you the most satisfied with?

            DaveJ: Layout-wise, I think the layout just ended up working well. To this day I still can't invent a layout that is as simple and as effective... I always end up thinking of Dust and designing the same thing. Design-wise, I quite like the design of it all... so simple, yet with the textures, it has such depth.
            Deep words from a man who is deathly afraid of naming files more than 8 characters long. Read the whole interview here!


            • #7
              DaveJ interview

              Ten Four has posted an in-depth interview with famed CS mapper DaveJ (de_cbble, de_dust, de_dust2). As well as talking about his work for Counter-Strike, he discusses his upcoming Half-Life single-player episode, ETC 2. Here's some sauce from it:
              Question 6: Are there any games that have particularily inspired you, or any films or books you've read and wanted to incorporate elements from in your level designs?

              Deus Ex helped in a few places, but no doubt the biggest inspiration was obviously Half-Life. I've played HL so much - examining its design, aesthetics, environments, ambience, monster placement, entities... things like that. Many people will probably recognise inspirations from both Half-Life and Opposing Force.
              For more on the man with the eight-letter affiction (see "de_cbble"), read the whole interview at Ten Four.


              • #8
                DaveJ interview

       has interviewed famed mapper DaveJ, creator of Dust, Dust2 and cbble. Here's a little tidbit:
                What did you learn from Dust?

                Well, the small changes I have introduced in different versions have taught me a few things... such as how crate placement affects gameplay and how much people hate the new doors I keep adding
                Read it here!

                /me welcomes ChuChuRocket to CSN


                • #9
                  DaveJ interview

                  We do it because it's been know that Germans love David Has.. CS-Nation loves Davie J. Yes, DaveJ has been interviewed by Eurobrew at
                  Euro*Brew - It has been awhile since I last interviewed you, what has been going on?

                  DaveJ - Nothing. I did release a TFC map for Valve Software for their award winning game, TFC, but apart from that, nothing.

                  Euro*Brew - Ah yes, casbah.

                  DaveJ - It rocks (hahaha)
                  Haha indeed, shine on you crazy brit.

