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Movie News

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  • Movie News

    Here's the word from Agent DSS about the CS movie in production!!#W!#!
    The movie is being filmed in the Washington DC area. Right now we are in the preproduction phase and trying to develop a script. Actually we have a base plot (kinda) and would like to add on to it and add catchy funny CS-related dialogue. Here is the base:

    Basically we need to work around a mansion (my house!). It should be about a VIP (president of a country) and I thought it would start out as a motorcade enters the president's hidden hideaway mansion. but when he arrives to his door, terrorists are waiting and blast away the secret service.The president is held hostage, interrogated, also he has two children who were already held hostage. Now after the CTs are aware (The T's will think that since they are in the middle of nowhere, no one will know about the president being hostaged), They rush to the mansion, and try to enter without them knowing, including snipers and creative tactics.

    -=Some stuff happens (killing, sniping, but the VIP, and his children are still alive)=-During this we need some cool ways for the CTs to enter the place and surprise attack the T's.

    Then somehow the Terrorists escape the mansion with the hostages that leads into a chase with gunfire and guys falling outta cars (we can pull it off). Then we need some kind of ending. KEEP IN MIND: We have a guy writing us a rough script but would like other examples. We may take this and that from each script to make a great movie.

