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TF 1.5

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  • TF 1.5

    Being an HL mod, we feel a need to cover CS and HL patch news, so here's the recent word from valve about the next HL patch.. It's mostly TFC stuff, but it will help CS out (eg spec mode)..
    Kirkland, WA (May 5, 2000) -Valve, L.L.C. today announced a new version of its popular team-based action game, Team Fortress (TF), is currently in the final phases of production. To be released free of charge in the next Half-Life update, Team Fortress 1.5 features new scenarios, an advanced user-interface system (VGUI), new networking and server technologies, and more.

    "As new tools and technologies come online in the development of Team Fortress 2, there will be opportunities to roll them out to players and the MOD community," said Gabe Newell, managing director at Valve. "Team Fortress 1.5 marks a significant point in this process."

    Key Features:
    • new networking system. this release includes the tf2 networking system and is compatible with all half-life games and mods. the new networking system improves play for all players regardless of their connection.

    • vgui interface. the valve gui (vgui) is a set of general purpose, extensible user interface apis for displaying and manipulating user interface elements in-game. available to mod authors in half-life sdk 2.0, the vgui is exploited in this release via new in-game menus that allow players to change class, communicate with teammates and more by simply clicking through this customizable menu system-and subsequently eliminating the need to move your fingers off critical keys during the heat of battle. the new menu system is also designed to help new players get into the game, removing the need to know any extra keys beyond moving and firing.

    • new scenarios:

      • dustbowl is a game of staged attack and defend played against the clock. the offense must advance their flag into the enemy base before the clock expires. the other team's objective is simply to play good defense. the map carries the teams through three successive bouts, each in new map locations.

      • warpath places teams in a battle for control of five command centers, located in team bases as well as neutral ground. victory requires simultaneous control of all five command centers, requiring teams to divide into defensive squads that hold captured territory and offensive squads attempting to take control of the next command point.

      • epicenter is a new capture the flag style of play that requires each team to advance its flag from base to an apc in enemy territory. loaded with strategic positions for snipers and sentry guns, epicenter is very much a fast-paced scenario in which defensive and offensive maneuvers are somewhat interchangeable.

    • spectator mode. featuring two chase cam modes and one free roaming mode, tf 1.5's spectator mode brings a new dynamic to tf and the ability to easily implement spectator mode into all hl games and mods.
    Get the full beef from Planet Half-Life, over here.