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More Portal 2 News Coming At E3

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  • More Portal 2 News Coming At E3

    This just in from the G4:

    At the Game Developers Choice Awards last night, Valve droppes some info on Portal 2 in patented Valve style. During Gabe Newell's speech at the show, a blue screen of death appeared on monitors, but it was no ordinary BSoD; it contained coded messages related to the upcoming sequel to Portal.

    Portal 2's rollout has been in a series of puzzles, and the blue-screen was no different. It contained a coded message that translates to:
    A fatal exception (S) has occurred at (U)(S) : (P)(E)(N)(D) in (U)(N )(T)((I)) *
    (L)(E)(E)(E). The current application will be terminated.

    * Press any key to flood the facility with deadly neurotoxins.
    * Press CTRL+ALT+DEL again to reinstate testing. You will lose any
    Non-vital personnel and their progress through the current test.

    Press any key to continue _

    Get it? "Suspend until E3?" Looks like we'll have to wait until June's big show to get more information on this game.
