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Klingons! Star Trek Online Interview

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  • Klingons! Star Trek Online Interview

    Eurogamer recently sat down with Craig Zinkievich, executive producer at Cryptic studios, to talk about the development progress of the upcoming MMO Star Trek: Online. After a slow trickle of information about a closed beta, the public is itching for details: Klingons? Romulans? DLC? Consoles? Borg!? Zinkievich tries to shed some light on the situation:
    We plan on shipping with the ability to play as Federation and play on the Klingon side. The Klingon gameplay is going to be drastically different to the Federation gameplay. It's going to be a lot more focused on PvP; their advancement is a little bit different - it is not a full-on story-driven game like the Federation.
    And a little bit on post release support:
    We definitely have a, er, sketch for the first year after launch. But one of the things we did learn with City of Heroes was that the more detailed you get with the plan, the more useless it is. Ha.

    The really cool thing is launching the game and then all of a sudden you don't have a team of 50 developers trying to figure out what to do, you have hundreds of thousands of players saying, "This is what we want!" So you definitely have to make sure you're flexible and that you really pay attention to what your audience ends up wanting.

    Be sure to click here to read through the whole interview. You can be sure that The Total Gaming Network will keep a close eye on future STO news developments.

    **End of Transmission**