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You Could Be The Next Duke Nukem

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  • You Could Be The Next Duke Nukem

    Deep Silver and Apogee Software today announced an open search for the next live-action Duke Nukem actor. Check it out:

    One outstanding North American Duke will be chosen to represent the Duke Nukem Trilogy™ games hitting retail shelves this September. The talent contest will travel to three cities this spring, culminating at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) in June with the naming of a new Duke Nukem representative.

    The three city contest will kick-off in New York in April and then move west to Los Angeles. The final leg of the contest will be in Dallas in May. Each stop will bring one finalist closer to being named the new live-action Duke Nukem. Aspiring Dukes will be judged on how well they personify the character's take-no-prisoners attitude. The final three Dukes will compete at a special event surrounding E3 and will end with the announcement of the new Duke.

    Who is Duke Nukem?

    Super confident and overly aggressive by nature, aliens fear him, and women fawn on him. Duke Nukem is the ultimate bad ***! When the Earth Defense Force faces its toughest challenges, they only call on one man to get the job done right the first time! When all else fails, Duke doesn't!

    For more information on the search for Duke and the Duke Nukem Trilogy, visit

    Not sure why they don't just hire the actor doing the Duke Nukem movie.